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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. I do not think Mila is jealous but very sensible who wants to fuck with an old Taliban man.
  2. I do not put people down or knock their views it is a free world well almost. Best wishes to you and keep up your views and opinions but try not to make them so long as I need to get to bed some times 🙂
  3. It does not have to be based on anything it is just a persons opinion. It may be true or not. There is an old saying: IT WAS CURIOSITY THAT KILLED THE CAT
  4. Clone 5 here. ddhm it is SG own opinion so why comment saying how does he know. In my opinion I would say she was out with LB as part of the Plan A continuation. As for Pete1960 I have not seen anything at all added to this debate or discussion yet. If a thread barring all clones is what you want than that would be ok with me.
  5. Paul's whizzer judging by a video is bent at the top by 20 degrees.
  6. This apartment has been moaned about many times by various subscribers until this brief incident. O well each to their own.
  7. Who does the Taliban photographer (ha, ha) work for (RLC) ? any good looking, sane woman would not ever think of going with him. I know a few years ago he appeared in B1 doing the same shit.
  8. All to to do with Plan A which equals: Does not want to go back to Russia - Pass the Czech entrance exam to become a National. This and other things causes stress and sleep disturbance along with the dreaded phone and possible relationship and her job. Plan B which equals: Bolt hole back to Paul due the failure of the above. This is my hunch which may or may not happen.
  9. You will not see her until 10 a.m. tomorrow - so have a good day all.
  10. Morning gentlemen how are we all well I hope. Will Leora go sway this afternoon until Monday again I wonder. Bonjour messieurs, comment allons-nous tous bien, j'espère. Est-ce que Leora va se balancer cet après-midi jusqu'à lundi encore, je me demande. Bom dia, senhores, como estamos todos bem, espero. Será que Leora vai balançar esta tarde até segunda-feira de novo, eu me pergunto.
  11. Glad she has her specs on no need to squint at the TV.
  12. Everything is getting smaller and that includes me. 😆
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