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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. How long has Paul in the Czech Republic. Visas and Stay for Foreigners in the Czech Republic | Prague for all METROPOLEVSECH.EU
  2. I see this apartment is back as happy families as back in the very beginning. Leora is in her 4th year as using a residence application. Question I wonder what kind of time Paul has got left or has he applied for a residence order as well. I do not subscribe to RLC any more as there is nothing new to see or get excited about.
  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all and wishing you well. I see some of you are still here. SLAVA UKRAINE.
  4. You go girl and tell the ting tongs to shove it up they arse how dare they tell people where you can and cannot go.
  5. NATO will do drills along Polish and Lithuanian borders... We will put the fear of god up them if they attack Ukraine the fuckers.
  6. No National Health Care System otherwise he would receive treatment.
  7. Terrible that he hangs around.. I liken him to Star Trek bad guys ... a Klingon.
  8. Madness - there will be babies abandoned every where in the numb nut states that have 0 abortion laws. The birth rate will decline in the USA. There will probably be more deformed children and pregnancy related deaths. We shall control your lives... You will obey... resistance is futile.
  9. Goodbye Leora enjoy your life. Goodbye RLC. I may drop in from time to time.
  10. Could it be something to do with attraction, large fan base.
  11. I see the Scorpions are in Prague Leora would love to be at this birthday party as she loves the best music in the world. It’s not only Rock and Roll … He is a Rock Believer and 74 !!!! Happy Birthday Klaus !!!!!!
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