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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Mr Black is Ok but I would prefer a Miss Malia. 😁
  2. Do the landlords allow pets in the apartment block ? that rules out Paul.
  3. Like to know what route Paul and Eva will take to get too Czech Republic.
  4. I do not think calling some of them that WORD as they are not that useful 😄
  5. She can come round my house and clean my knobs if she would be so kind.
  6. Hopefully he shot is load over a picture of Putin 😆
  7. Good morning Pulo Good of Leora to help her Salon friend who called her late last night.
  8. I wonder why so late at night to have a chat I suppose there is a logical reason.
  9. Thanks jimbo I wondered where the music was coming from as her window is open... good for her to get out.
  10. There are no water pipes in the bedroom or anywhere in the villa as there is no central heating or radiators but what is more dangerous are mains cables. ⚡
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