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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. If you're not happy with the girls, go elsewhere man! Nobody forces you to watch or pay! I'd rather watch Jasmin apply lotion for 5 minutes than watch Belle roll around naked for an hour every day, because I like her. Not everyone does, I understand that, but bitching about her on here doesn't help anything
  2. Tell that to the people who are complaining about the girls, not to me mate. I'm perfectly happy with the way things are
  3. From what we've heard, RLC are a pretty unpleasant group of people and none of the girls (at least not recently) seem to like them at all. This is a payday for all of them, they're not here to make money for RLC, they're here to make money for themselves. If she wants to earn bonus money she knows what to do, but there is no obligation for her to do that. I don't think any of the girls care about the viewers. Even Irma, Belle, Ilona, they do a great job of making it seem like they care, and they put on a good show to make more money, but they don't really care about us. It's all about money and we shouldn't assume any more than that.
  4. If all you want to see is girls masturbating or having lesbian sex you can see thousands of them for free on the internet. RLC is different because it is about getting to know the girls' personalities. And I like Jas's personality, and it makes it more special for me when I get to see more of her too
  5. She acts absolutely naturally. Some of us enjoy watching her very much, I personally think her natural style is charming and I think she's the sexiest girl on the site by a mile.
  6. Haven't seen too much of her, she seems a little quiet but could just be nerves. At first it looked like she might cover up to wash, but had a shower without issue.
  7. There is an error with the ignore feature, when updating a page with new posts I can also see posts by users on my ignore list. I think StnCld was emailing Admin about it
  8. OK I think we misunderstood each other There are two balconies in the apartment - one shared between Belle's room and living room, and a separate balcony shared between Jasmin's room and Sia's room
  9. Whilst writing this post you may have missed that it was a language issue, which I have now clarified. We can all be friends again
  10. No, they are definitely, 100% connected. But the balcony at the front of the building does not connect with the balcony at the back of the building
  11. In England, saying 'My' before something does not mean he thinks he owns her, it is a sign of affection. BB is not saying that he owns Belle, he is just saying that he likes her. I do agree with you that I find it a bit much sometimes when a page is full of massive blue writing and s, but I'd rather see that than people arguing with each other over silly things
  12. I don't know if anyone has replied to this yet, but there is only one balcony, not two. So you can go out onto the balcony through Belle's room and come back in via the Living Room# Edit - Nevermind :)
  13. Top 3, Irma, Jasmin, Stella. Not in that order, i can't rank them in order, they're all too hot
  14. I would just like to mention at this point that Jas is in my top three hottest girls of all time in RLC. I find it an absolute pleasure to watch her, and the nudity we get from her I find even more exciting because it's almost a special occasion when it happens. I hope she stays the full three months
  15. They could really stick it to the new girl by getting naked, with Jasmin sneaking into Belle's bed and """interacting"""" with her more vigorously
  16. I don't really believe that bad hygiene is a factor for you, because I would bet good money that you would jump at the chance to go down on Belle even after she'd been wearing her dirty Calvins for 48 hours straight
  17. She speaks Czech. It has only ever been Russian and Ukrainian speaking girls in Barcelona. So unless you want to see Kitty in Barca alone, or with Smith, it will NEVER happen! Sorry!
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