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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I didn't see the disagreement with Adele, but I think you are right on everything else I could see. I think we can all agree that this is good news - anything which pushes Danaya away from Ilona and closer to Adele is good news to me!
  2. I think you're right, and then Ilona went straight the the laundry room on her phone. Wouldn't surprise me if she called RLC and said 'get this girl out of here'
  3. Where's Kitek when you need him! Danaya and Ilona just seemed to have an argument, Ilona tried to laugh it off but Danaya stormed upstairs and thew some clothes on the ground, any ideas?
  4. For me the problem is not that she runs away from anything hot, it's that she runs towards the other girls to stop anything happening without her.
  5. I don't, but I was told by someone who does. Well we will see on the 18th if she is still here. don't be mistaken, I want her to leave! But I fear she will stay for a long time.
  6. Well there's your answer! Honestly though did you ever really think they would get together?
  7. Well she doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but that doesn't stop her from having the qualifications and any relevant visas
  8. Also, some people were mentioning earlier that they expect Ilona to leave on the 18th. I was told today by a very knowledgeable person that she is on a working visa, as a journalist, which does not expire. I know I'm new here so I don't expect to be believed but I understand that information to be true, although I'm not happy about it
  9. Pleased to see Adele getting in on the massage. Can't see Ilonas face from here but I bet she's a bit pissed off
  10. Do excuse me, I apologise for letting this out here, but I just need to say that I can't fucking stand Ilona, attention whore cunt-blocking bitch. Wish she'd fuck off, but have just learned that she's there on a work Visa which doesn't expire. Sorry about that, won't mention it again
  11. Do you know if anyone has captured her saying this on video / audio recording? Many people have said so but with so much false information around some things have to be seen to be believed!
  12. Why do you say that they are mocking us? What incident has triggered this, or is it just a build up of frustration?
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