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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Maybe they did smoke, but never buy their own. now that Stella and Gina are there they have someone to ponce cigarettes from
  2. On another night, the girls spoke about how they had to leave early to ensure they caught the public transport, rather than pay for a cab
  3. Wait! I'm confused! Where's the people complaining about Gina blocking the view on Cam 2? it seems to be a big deal when Stella does it! Danaya giving some mamba to Irma
  4. When she's in the mood Danaya can be the life of a party, but she is at her best when it's just her and one other girl. She has crazy mood swings from happy to sad
  5. Sometimes I look at the other girls and I wonder why Irma is my favourite. Stella is more beautiful, Danaya has better tits, the twins have great eyebrows (I love strong brows on a girl!) but then Irma cracks a smile and does a little dance and I remember why she's my fav all over again
  6. Summary of Gina in B1 tonight Arrives, undresses, drinks, dresses, goes out for more booze, arrives, undresses This girl is awesome
  7. Yeah Gina is cool, hopefully she'll add a bit of spark to B2. I like Angie and I love Danaya but they could do with interacting with the B1 girls more, maybe G will bring them together!
  8. I dispute this! I love all women great and small! just because she's not in my top 5 doesn't mean that I don't think Belle is an absolute firecracker!
  9. I like tall girls, but I am 6'4" so I don't meet many taller than me. And more often than not I have found that tall girls prefer tall guys because they still want to look up to you even in heels. Sorry not trying to rub it in Naga!
  10. Not always, because with old girls coming back you know you're not getting a dud (although I'm sure some would disagree) and with fresh blood you might get a Sia, or Estelle. But I do like Gina a lot so far!
  11. I just clocked it. Gina looks exactly like my mate's ex. Grace. Lovely girl. Think she had even better tits than Gina though
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