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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Thanks kitek To confirm for those curious, Alex is Irma's friend, not boyfriend. I believe he is desperate to fuck her but she has never let him. He is in the worst possible 'friend zone' And Irma said he has a tiny penis
  2. If you have tokens remaining, they are converted into extra days of membership if you cancel. I do not know how many tokens = 1 day
  3. She wasn't, the camera has a flap over the lens to protect it when it's not in use. When she's on cam you can see the cap has been flicked up
  4. The rules are tight about what can be posted about the tenant's lives outside of RLC. She's not from Ukraine
  5. Make yourself an omelette man, I'm not wrong But when her name comes down everyone will know that for sure
  6. I suspect Estelle will move into Karol's room. I'd have loved Karol to stay longer, but she is 100% leaving
  7. It's very bruised, probably not a good idea for anyone to rub it Jess could cheer her up in other ways though
  8. I think in Karol's case she is leaving of her own accord, so nothing has been 'taken away from us' as such. I think she'll be back though, in a few months
  9. Danaya possibly, I'd love to see her actually living with Irma, but she's due to leave in a week or two so I doubt it will happen. I think Karol is leaving Barca
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