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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. So it is safe to say that one of the girls is getting sushi eaten off of her tonight, but who will be the table? I suspect Nora, but I hope Danaya
  2. I think so. The bathroom certainly, I cannot tell the other rooms yet. When the light is lowered we will see for sure
  3. It would be lovely if we can enjoy the show tonight, whatever it might be, without anyone throwing an insult at any other person, tenant or poster And if it is body sushi (a la Milena) then I can only hope that is not the only fishy flesh that gets eaten tonight
  4. My only comment on the discussion which has been going on these last few pages Freedom of expression is fine, and there is no harm in criticising the girls (or guys!) we see on RLC, and in the Barca apartments. If everyone kissed the girls' arses all day every day it would certainly make for a dull forum. But there's a difference between criticism and throwing insults, and although 'freedom of expression' is a fine concept in real life, on this forum the rules are that you speak about the tenants with respect. If I was a dickhead I could walk into my local supermarket and start shouting racist abuse, and if anyone challenged me I could claim 'Freedom of Expression,' but it would not be a shock if someone punched me in the face. Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean that you should take advantage of that right WITH EVERY DAMN POST! Freedom of expression =/= freedom to be a cunt without being challenged Don't like that the girls are out late? Fine, say so, but don't say "they're out late because they're dirty streetwalkers' Don't like that the girls invite guys sometimes? Fine, say so, but don't say "obviously Nora is pimping them out to Johns" Don't like the massages, teasing etc? Fine, say so, but don't say "they're boring bitches with no personality" And if RLC makes you constantly angry and upset, for Christ's sake go and do something else with your life!
  5. The night of the dancing party, Nora was sitting on a chair and Irma pulled her panties to the side and licked her pussy for 5-10 seconds, some good jaw movement too Nora eventually pushed her away with her feet
  6. At this point I doubt she's too concerned about him. Obviously there's an attraction between these two, but not much chemistry tonight
  7. She and Danaya have spent much of the last few days visiting many of Barcelona's tourist spots. You thinking of the translation where they were out for drinks with some guys a week or so ago? They haven't been hanging out since
  8. Night vision fucked in Karol's room Edit - nevermind, it was just slow to kick in Edit 2 - Must have been power outage
  9. Not sure you'e read the post quite right there mate Zinc called the patch on Nora's jacket a menu, but it's actually tour dates for a band
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