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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. She is mistaken though, the sign was put up by RLC. I remember all the girls gathering around to read it the first time it appeared
  2. Bit unfair mate! They've been nothing but perfectly friendly with the other girls, and they were playing along with the other girls at the B1 party before it went offline
  3. This was a couple of days ago mate. Fully naked, legs open towards cam 10 and lights on. David Blaine couldn't have faked that
  4. I reckon the shy girls are all hiding just out of shot in front of Cam 2 - that's why it is still down hahahaha Delusions
  5. If they are shy, the best thing is for them to spend as much time on cam as possible, to acclimatise. Taking it offline achieves nothing. besides, these girls are not shy. We have seen far more bashful girls on RLC and the apartments never went offline for them. It just isn't true mate This is starting to sound a bit like those guys who used to claim that every time the apartments went UM it was so they could have lesbian orgies - those guys shut up pretty quickly last September!.
  6. We know, for a fact, that Irma gets off on being on cam. She loves showing herself to others, it's why she's always naked, it's a thrill for her. This was a technical fault, nothing more. It does suck, but with any luck RLC will learn from this and it won't happen again
  7. Sorry Dreamer, that's obviously nonsense. The party started off on cam, and the apartment was only down for about 45 mins. What you're saying doesn't make any sense.They don't get to choose what is private and what isn't.
  8. To be honest I would be OK if the rest of the party was just Irma and Danaya massaging each other's tits.
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