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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Yes they're terrified of that plant which grows naturally and makes people giggle and feel a bit hungry. Horrifying!
  2. After this heart-to-heart talk in the bath, I will actually be surprised if they don't share a bed, just to sleep in nothing more
  3. It baffles me that Alcohol and cigarettes are legal, whilst weed and MDMA are illegal (in most places anyway.) Booze and fags are infinitely more dangerous
  4. I love Irma, but she also needs the right girls living with her. Remember when she returned for the second time, her housemates were Rita and Vika and neither of them wanted to have fun so Irma was left alone to do her art. It was only when Ilona returned that the fun started
  5. And then there were two. I'm sure Karol would be happy for Irma to share her bed, it is Irma's room after all
  6. They make a cute couple Karol to Irma now, "So do you do that often? I'd be happy to let you practice on me"
  7. Well tonight we finally got to see Irma lick pussy. I'd rather it was Karol's, or Danaya's, or Nicole's, Jess's even, and I'd rather it had been in a bedroom, with a better cam and a better view, and I'd rather it went on for half and hour, but it was still GLORIOUS
  8. A feeling I know all too well. I had to vomit out of my window once as I knew I wouldn't make it to the bathroom
  9. She is wearing crotchless panties, with a split down the middle. Irma pulled the two sides apart and stick her tongue in there, no doubt
  10. Those real couples are still here, and you can still enjoy them. But right now, you are posting in the forum about the Barca apartments which are different as you say.
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