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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Well Belle had a sugar daddy, not quite the same. And she ran away from him and left him alone on his birthday after he started getting weird
  2. Yeah we know mate, but it's still enjoyable. And let's not forget that Megan and Becca both had boyfriends
  3. Noldus you need to print pictures of the girls and write their names on them, and keep next to your computer
  4. They didn't a taxi, hence the early departure for the buses. But I'm sure the bonus for this show would more than cover the expenses anyway
  5. Nora said she wanted the girls to take public transport back to B1, to prevent paying for a taxi. Explains why they leave early
  6. At least it shows willingness to get involved and have fun with the girls, it would have been bad form if she hadn't come at all
  7. Damn, well it's a good start to reignite the relationship between B1 and B2, I'm sure this isn't the last party we'll see with all the girls, even Danaya seemed to warm up to it as the night went on
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