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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. This is certainly not true. Karol has bated in bed at least 3 or 4 times and in the bath too, although in bed it was under cover (big orgasms though.) Michelle does her shows for her website and also for her guy on the phone and Danaya is still a mystery whether she does or does not
  2. Having sex? I'm winding you up a bit, personally I haven't seen anything very untoward so far, it's not like she allowed Michelle's friend, who she's never met before, to touch her up. We know Irma is basically sex on legs so it's not surprising that she gets into these situations. She always seemed in control though, and the guy was respectful and decent and in his situation I don't think I would have behaved so well
  3. Nonetheless, Carolina is not that sort of girl. We know that some of the girls have Sugar Daddies who look after them, Anna's guy was Italian, but Caro doesn't. She spends most of her time in her home town and she doesn't have lots of expensive clothes and jewellery like some of the others do. I'm very much of the opinion that Carolina is a much more normal and down-to-Earth girl than many who we have seen in RLC - the same goes for Becca, Stella and Jasmin
  4. I meant not that popular on the forums. Everyone agreed she was beautiful, but until the night with Belle, Stella and Lola I remember there was lots of complaining on the forum that she never bated and was quite often absent. I didn't say that it was justified, but it definitely happened. And yes she was popular with the other girls, but she was friends with all the girls (apart from Stella and Lola) before she came into the apartment Like I said, I think she's lovely but I just get the feeling that she will never return. Hope I am wrong though!
  5. I also don't think Caro will ever come back. I like her a lot but she wasn't one of the most popular girls (even after the 4some night) and she was very upset when she found out that videos of that night had been posted on VK.
  6. I think Nora and Irma are more mature than those two though and probably approach RLC with a more professional attitude, whereas Belle just went with the flow
  7. I'm not so sure about this, those two are good friends outside RLC and I'm sure they already know exactly what each other will and will not do
  8. I don't view it as a 'teasing' session. Yes we know nothing is likely to happen, but they're not doing it to wind us up, they're doing it because they know the viewers like to see naked ladies touching each other. The word 'teasing' has a slightly negative implication (sorry if you didn't mean it like that)
  9. I don't think anything will happen with Nora, Irma might do better trying with Jess, now that Jess is horny after the visit from the dude yesterday
  10. People also forget that sexuality is not black and white, it is a sliding scale. There is not just "Straight, Bi and Gay." A friend of mine identifies as 90% lesbian, but she says that every now and then she just wants some dick. I dated a girl for a while who has since turned gay (obviously no other man could ever come close , either that, or I put her off men for life!) There are men and women who would swear that they are 100% straight, but there may be just a couple of people in the world who would change their mind Many people are attracted to personalities, not to gender, and the sex of a person is irrelevant if that person makes them feel right
  11. The conversation about Irma's sexuality on her second visit revolved around a conversation she had with Ilona after a night out. A mutual friend (female) was dancing with them, Irma assumed she was just having fun and reciprocated, dancing and flirting with the girl. Irma did not realise that the girl was actually a lesbian, and the girl started kissing Irma. She was shocked, and pulled away. Ilona and Irma were recalling this, and Ilona said to Irma "You don't like it?" (Lesbian sex.) Irma said she did not want it, but it was not clear whether she just did not want it with this girl, or with any girl. My own opinion is that Irma is pretty straight outside the apartment, but would be more than happy to put on a lesbian show on RLC, with the right girl, under the right conditions
  12. She does want to be a part of RLC, she spoke with the Emperor and agreed to extend her stay by a couple of weeks. However I agree that she has been very isolated recently. Maybe it is to be expected with her illness and whatever was making her cry the other day (relationship troubles?)
  13. She doesn't like her room. She complains that it is cold and there is a draft (Thanks to Yury for this)
  14. Stick around man, 1 or 2 tossers on the forum is not reason enough to take a leave of absence, we need quality posters like yourself to balance out the bullshit!
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