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Everything posted by fornika

  1. Somebody call 911 i think Stiffler i dead. Unfucking believable. 🙄
  2. That girl tried to take a picture of his cock after the BJ and he quickly covered up and pulled up his pants. But it's ok for the rest of the world to watch him fuck butt naked . Weird!
  3. This Faye girl wakes up after a night drinking, has a quick bite, doesnt even shower and jumps on a controller. I can already see how much fun she will be in her own apartment. 🙄
  4. I think their relationship is still going strong. They have friends over, they take vacations, they still fuck passionately. For people who have been together for long i think they are not doing too bad to spice things up. If you've never been in a relationship were things get routine and boring, then you.ve not been in a relationship long enough.(not you in particular)
  5. All the Kirill people are slowly making their way in this place . Camhouse invasion.
  6. @ELON You shook the cam in the Work room yesterday afternoon (by mistake).
  7. Are we still talking about a actual truck here!? 🤔😅
  8. En suites have existed for as long as i remember . And by that i mean all over the world. You guys need to go out more 😂
  9. I think Sophia is a good person at heart; kind, loving, smart, a leader and low maintenance girl that just needs a good dick to suck every now and then and someone to hold her and cuddle. And seems to truly love the Pied Piper. But, life was getting abit routine here. So i like that the other girl is around. Brings some drama and a story for the sex. 😂
  10. Dont want to know where those fingers have been 😃
  11. Yes i prefer pussy. Eat me Jabbath 😜
  12. This Henry fellow really likes sitting around flashing his cock. Somebody must have told him it's sexy or something ,cause for me i wish a bee would land on it and give it a little stinky. Maybe that will have him think twice before opening his robe next time.🤣
  13. I just read the whole post again haha This poor girl is trying to impress you with her God given talent and here you are shitting on her. You should get off you sit and give her a huge tip instead🤣🤣
  14. What you are doing is gaslighting. Nobody said anything about expulsion or ticket or interfering in their livelihood. Just having a discussion about a word used on the forum. I like a good fuck. Main reason i watch this apartment 😉
  15. You seem confused with the concept of Poly. Let me give you a small example to make you understand the difference. Right now you say Sophia is your girlfriend. But you are fucking Claudia and sometimes the brunette and probably more to come. In Poly you build a relationship with who ever you are sleeping with. its not just about sex. There's love and affection and you plan your lives together. So, the relationship you have with Sophia, you need to have that same level of relationship with Claudia and any other girl you sleep with. If not, then what you and Sophia have is an open relationship where, either of you is free to fuck whoever they want as long as you both agree, and you dont have to commit to that person. (Although in this case she doesn't agree with you fucking the new girl) so technically you are cheating . NB: There's consent in Swinging, open relationship, Poly, etc..
  16. There's consent in an open relationship also.
  17. Oh give it up. That's not polyamourous. you use that word too loosely. You cannot be in a Poly relationship where one person doesn't get along with one of the partners. you have to both agree to it. Before you even start the relationship. Your partner also has to love the person coming in. You'r just a pimp using big words to fuck around . Just call it swinging or open relationship. Not Poly. Not that im complaining. Enjoy while you can. Serves my entertainment anyways lol
  18. Claudia doesn't give a flying fuck. She still gets her dick, No problem 🤣
  19. Nice caps. Though short i think he did a good job.
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