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Posts posted by alanohio

  1. 20 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:


    Could you explain me in what RLC and specifically the all girl make turn the concept into VV ?

    For me VV is real porn star and some amateur porn people who live together and must make very explicit sexual show multiple times a week. Everyone fucks with everyone.

    In the all girl appartment, all we have is often topless  girl and sometime nudity. There are no sex and the (perhaps fake ?) quick fun between the girls (boobs touch or lap dance) is fun to watch.

    What I mean is VV does not concern itself with people who don't get along, disagreements, even the event where outside people came in and threatened peace. They even thrive on this dynamic. RLC has to be somewhat concerned that the girls (or couples) somewhat get along. The peaceful nature of RLC, I believe, is important to their brand. Especially in the girls apartments.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Yury said:

    Apparently RLC gave a set of tenants in the apartment at the mercy of Nora. Yesterday's party showed that Aida has long been and well acquainted with Nora (More in Ukraine). They maintain very warm and friendly relations. 

    I was very confused of yesterday's Nora's arrival in the apartment and demonstrative disregard of A and D. This is very similar to a black mark for them.
    Personally, I regard it as direct interference RLC in life of the apartment.
    And this, of course, not real life.

    Yury, I agree on the surface of what you said, but the last thing we want (I think) is to have RLC turn into VV. If they simply let things play out in this case, a very ugly display could evolve. I think the Nora visit is to try and get things back within the limits RLC prefers. And Nora obviously has a lot of say-so even now.

    • Upvote 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, winnlove said:

    Nora n'est pas allée voir les 2 autres filles pour plusieurs raisons. Déjà l'heure tardive, ensuite elle va attendre, je pense, quelques jours pour voir la suite du comportement d'Adele, car c'est d'Adele qu'il s'agit et non Danaya, et enfin parce que cela fait que 3 jours qu'Aida est dans cet appartement..Si Adele garde son mauvais comportement envers Aida, à ce moment là, je suis certain que Nora interviendra et fera peut être partir Adele. A suivre...

    I love online translators :)

    ""Nora did not go see the other 2 girls for several reasons. 
    Already late, then she will wait , I think, a few days to 
    see the result of conduct of Adele , because it is Adele it 
    is not Danaya , and finally because this makes 3 days Aida 
    is in this appartement..Si Adele keeps his bad behavior towards 
    Aida , at that time , I am certain that Nora will intervene 
    and will be from Adele . To be continued...""

    Thank you!

    • Upvote 4
  4. 3 minutes ago, olcage said:

    In my opinion I think she was there just for Aida and maybe she is the direction they want to go in so the others didnt apply tonight



    1 minute ago, happyone said:

    Her mere presence and being a "guest" of Aida may be enough to straighten out the other one-at least in being civil -I would hope

    Ok, I'll buy into that description. It will be interesting if D&A change their ways - or maybe their too close to leaving to worry about it.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, bookmaster8 said:


    It was definitely Nora. Absolutely no doubt.


    If it was, then how do you explain no contact with the other two girls? If she is suppose to have some kind of coordination/management control for RLC, it's odd she wouldn't at least say "hi", no?  I only remember Nora from the last month or so she was here, so I could easily not recognize her - but her role in this apartment thing doesn't match what she did tonight.

  6. Poor Aida, I actually feel sorry for her. She's not cut out for this. The girl set herself up a nice candle-lit bath, did her best to stay under the suds, used too much suds, drowned out the candles, overran the tub (heck of a mess to clean up) - then when it came time to shower off all the soap, she did her best to face the wall. Finally got out of tub with an immediate large towel, and then went to her room - couldn't figure out how to dry off without showing her goodies, so ended up getting dressed wet.

    I really think RLC should give this girl a break and let her go home if she wants... I don't ever see her getting comfortable in this situation.

    (Video will posted soon  in video section)

    • Upvote 2
  7. I don't think we're going to get to see much of Aida folks :( She will use the downstairs bathroom as much as possible, and probably substitute baths for showers. She is very shy in front of the camera - either personalty or because of her boyfriend He probably is very nervous about her showing too much, and she seems to be the kind of girl that wants to please him. Mark this post to see if I turn out right, or to throw it back at me if she turns into a wild woman LOL.

  8. Point is guys, that this is real life, remember? It may be that Suzan and Guest are getting closer, they may risk something at some point, they may not. I personally think the dynamic between them, even in a "watch tv" mode is much more animated than with her and Hector. Hector's big dick probably reeled her in in the beginning, but his personality and ego detracts from his asset(s). Maybe she's noticing that. On the other hand, Suzan and Guest may have an understanding - that she isn't interested in an affair, but she does like the attention while at home all day, and if I had the chance to "play" a little during the day, who here wouldn't?

    I don't think anything will happen. Hector is known to be a bit over the top when he's mad - and I don't think either of them wants to face that. If Guest and Suzan are ever going to have an affair, it'll have to be after she breaks it off with Hector.

  9. I will agree I think the cameras got cut because they were getting into something RLC didn't want the public to hear. I also think something is definitely wrong between Aida and Adele. Danaya at least was polite and ansered the questions Aida was asking, but Adele simply doesn't want anything to do with this girl. Maybe RLC is going to try and smooth things over, or give Aida an option to leave.

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