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Posts posted by alanohio

  1. Well folks, if Day One is any indication, this "new" dynamic doesn't look like it's going to be any better than the previous one - maybe worse.

    * Danaya & Adele are ignoring Aida

    * Aida is pretty much keeping to herself

    * Aida looks bored as hell, and won't show anything - even while going about normal clothes changes, she goes out of her way to stay hidden.

    * Danaya & Adele seem to be getting ready to go out again - Aida is dressed, but it's uncertain if she will be going with them.

    Conclusion? Very weird so far and I don't expect much of anything to get better as far as we're concerned. If it wasn't for K&K, K&N, and Leora, I'd have nothing to watch :(

    • Upvote 3
  2. The reality is that RLC probably signs more people up than those that cancel, so from their perspective, they are growing - thus doing things right. I'm not sure what is going on with the D&A apartment, but if they were taking it down completely I think they would have just dropped the slot on the list. Could be a thousand things from mechanical to the girls being gone to waiting for a replacement(s) to show up. It could also be nothing. who knows? Only RLC LOL

  3. 1 hour ago, ships diver said:

    She came home in the same clothes  today after being away since yesterday.

    She went straight to guest room and undressed and she had only black tights, but  no panties and bra on, they were in her handbag.

    So what had she been doing ???? Naughty naughty!

    I have to wonder as well. Many here say she spends the night with her girlfriend(s), but it's times like this I scratch my head. How hard would it be to put on your underwear before you left unless you were in a hurry? I don't know, maybe her and Paul have an open marriage... or she's really good at pulling the wool over his eyes.

    PS: Watching them cuddle and talk in the guest room this past 30 minutes, I doubt anything happened with Leora while she was gone. It's hard to image you go out on a fling and then cuddle and talk to your partner when you come back... unless it leads to sex - then maybe LOL.

  4. 24 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Isn't it funny. People pay to have a Subscription from RLC to view Nelly and Bogdan  and they get stuck watching two immature kids who don't know their head from their ass.

    Nothing Real Life in this Apartment.  All a play for the Camera.

    I'm sure Efim is trying really hard to get an apartment back. Not going to happen. As far as me, I'm just waiting for him to get too rough - then it'll all be over quick. And if he somehow DOES get an apartment, that gives me three apt's to not watch.


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  5. Some siblings are very close. That could easily explain this. If we flip the coin and assume for a minute the Guest is no relation what-so-ever, then there is no way Hector would would leve these two alone for hours at a time and put up with the teasing. Until (if) I see them get intimate, I have to go with relative.


    PS: One thing I will say, if the Guest really isn't a relative somehow... I have to give him credit for his self-control.

  6. For what it's worth, I decided to bring my review up to date for those that might be interested or have comment...

         Apartments (GMT+7)
            Leora and Paul
    Leora is always worth watching. Paul seems to be a little more attentive recently. Fun to watch.
            Maya and Stepan
    I do, now, see what someone said about this couple being the "old couple" here. Pretty much routine, check in now and then.

        Apartments (GMT+3)
            Dasha and Demid
    I like this girl. I enjoy watching her do about anything - but, there's a tendency to "hide" their sex, and it's disappointing. Demid is a pretty boring guy - stable - but boring.
            Nina and Kira
    I love these girls. The situation is real, they are sometimes mad at each other, but they always make up - and when they are happy - Wow.
            Zoya and Lev
    I think Zoya could be fantastic if she was with someone else. Lev keeps me away from this apartment unless Zoya is in the room by herself.

        Apartments (GMT+1)
            Carla and Mario
    I feel the same I did a few weeks ago, Mario is a 14 year old living with a grown woman. Lots of sex, but it's most because Mario is always playing with his dick.
            Adriana and Daniel
    I really like Adriana. The only issue I have is most of the sex is BJ's. You would think Daniel would want to do some exploring himself, but no. To be fair, it appears Adriana has had some kind of genital problem, and straight out sex may not be comfortable for her - she does seem to be in some pain when she does a solo. If that's the issue, I only hope she heals soon.

        Premium Only
            Carina and Sabrina
    Nothing here to see. Move On. Ok, Bonnie is pretty, but I wish she had a partner...
            Suzan and Hector
    This apartment confuses me. Sex is great between Suzan and Hector, but it's also always the same. I still don't know how "Guest" fits in, and now the new girl. If your hoping something different will happen, forget it. I don't stop here much.
            Nelly and Bogdan
    I can't wait for Nelly and Bogden to return. Nelly's smile knocks me on my feet, and she always looks great in sex. Efim is a disgrace to RLC. He's another overgrown child (like Mario) but his GF is HOT!
            Masha and Sasha
    Same old, same old - BUT I watch regularly LOL. Masha plays her part and she's fun to watch solo. The couple sex ain't bad either.
            Danaya and Adele - New!
    Ugh. Two straight party girls walking around half naked when they ARE here. As it is, this apartment doesn't have much future.
            Kamila and Kristy - New!
    No words to say how hooked I am on these girls! Like many of you, I'm hoping against hope they will give in to their love for each other and have some fun. And I will keep watching in the hopes that happens - I only pray that I don't miss it!!

  7. Well, they aren't gay, or at least not on camera - but I have a feeling what they do do now and then is just for our benefit. You can't blame them for that. They also don't bring anyone home. That's likely because the guys they might ask don't want to be live on the internet either. You can't blame them for that either. They also both have families, and likely don't want to go down that road - even if done in fun. If we had a few parties in the apartment, that might result in some interesting scenarios, but most people don't want a party at a place the internet is watching.

    I think what you have here is two, straight, young women who are taking advantage of the free rent, displaying themselves as much as they feel comfortable with, and hoping that works.

    I think if RLC added a thrid girl, it might change the dynamic.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 2 hours ago, euromike69 said:



    I don't think so. If the new girl was a potential roommate, I think Kristie would have been there as well. Probably just a new friend that hadn't seen the apartment before.

    But I've been wrong before (twice I think).

    • Upvote 2
  9. This morning Efim is playing with a gun and pretending to shoot his GF, twice! Sorry folks, this is bullshit. Period. Note this RLC...

    PS: I've had a significant change of heart toward these two. The GF is hot, no doubt - but Efim simply doesn't know how to treat a girl. He's aggressive, overpowering, and I think a little nuts to be honest. From what I've heard, he treated his last girlfriend this way until he lost the apartment and lost the girl as well. As subscribers, we're here to have fun, not witness domestic violence. Don't get me wrong, the BDSM scene would have been ok if I didn't fear Efim will keep turning up the dial to do something even more excessive. I know there are some subscribers that dig this stuff, but the constant worry that it will go too far is too much to make it enjoyable.

    I can't wait for Nelly and Bogdan to return. I really miss them.


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