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Posts posted by alanohio

  1. I've said before that I like Kira & Nina's apartment the best. I love watching the way they interact, it feels real, and they share their private moments with us. Tonight, I was lucky enough to capture Kira making love to Nina, and Nina making love to Kira. Enjoy :)

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  2. My Friends:

        Leora is an adult female that does everything that females her age do.

    I have no idea what makes Russian girls do what they do, but whatever it is, we have no business prying into her life.

    She gets out because living in a fishbowl can be a trying experience for anyone, especially when the viewers are oogling every move the poor girl makes.

    Maybe she likes all-night movies and she goes there to get away from our prying eyes.

    I know if there were thousands of pairs of eyes looking at me 24/7, I'd want to go and do something that people wouldn't be picking apart every little detail.

    It is simply...............

                      NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, OKAY?

    Just enjoy everything that she gives us and be happy with that.

    All the insinuations that we make probably won't make her do anything different.

    Let's not be acting like dreamy high school kids.


    Of course it's not our business, and of course whatever she is doing is likely above board - and contrary to popular belief, we're NOT trying to get her to do anything LOL. In a scenario like this, part of the "Voyeur's" enjoyment is trying to figure out what's going on. No one is accusing her of anything, but it makes for interesting discussions to speculate. No harm done, ok? It's just a discussion.

  3. y los dias que falta Paul ¿tambièn sale a follar?

    porque en el ejercito no està

    el traje de ir a cazar patos, no es una obligaciòn militar

    pueden tener familia a la que atender

    nunca sabremos,especulen tambièn con algo màs tangible

    no todo es follar :D :D :D ;)

    Speculation is exactly that. We have nothing to go on other than leaving for the night is kind of odd - so we speculate. Besides, speculation she's going to see family isn't too exciting - even if it is true LOL.

  4. have you ever seen her before he showed up ? I havn't . It is strange that Nelly,  Dasha and Demid sit on the couch, and they are at the table. like I said it's a guess, but if you read his post under the thread guitargst, he mentions that he and girlfriend were thinking about joining RLC

    You have a point. Can't help chuckling though thinking of her in RLC - she just doesn't look the part. LOL

  5. Yeah, I think I signed up at a bad time. This apartment looked to have some promise when we thought the girls would play, but Danaya and Adele have decided it's better to spend their time elsewhere, so we get to look at empty beds. And the flashing of boobs and kitties isn't enough to keep many of us interested. Unless something gets significantly better somewhere, I'm probably out of here come renewal.

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