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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. 20 minutes but its worth it 🙂 [Media Removed]
  2. Happy to hear that :) But I don't think there's too much confusion here, there's one group that would like to see them get it on together, and I have to admit I wouldn't mind that at all :) but I think the rest of us simply wants the girls to be happy and enjoy life. They have something very special between them, and when the time comes for a boyfriend/husband, it would be great to see them find someone that makes them just as happy as each other. For that wish, I wish them well.
  3. ...in fact, the girls seem to be getting ready to go out AGAIN !?!?!??!
  4. Speculation is exactly that. We have nothing to go on other than leaving for the night is kind of odd - so we speculate. Besides, speculation she's going to see family isn't too exciting - even if it is true LOL.
  5. It would be nice to think she is going out with a girlfriend, but it could be anyone really. The fact that Paul is such a "non fulfiller" gets one's imagination soaring.
  6. Bluegirl may have given me reason to check back in this apartment. Managed to capture about 10 minutes, 2 parts... (Attachment Purged)
  7. I have no idea whether the girls read this narrative or not, but if I had a chance to say something to Kami it would be this... look for a guy that makes you happy like Kristy does. She is likely your best friend - don't ever lose her, but if you want a husband, think of the fun and adventure you will have if he sees the world through Kristy's eyes. You and Kristy in many ways are one - find a husband that does the same.
  8. Masha was throwing herself at Sasha today and he didn't seem to be interested... [Media Removed]
  9. You have a point. Can't help chuckling though thinking of her in RLC - she just doesn't look the part. LOL
  10. It amazes me how things can go so wrong in a week. Kami's BF enters the picture and all the interaction between the girls dies. Unless something happens quickly, I think someone - if not everyone - is gone from this expensive pad.
  11. I think you'll find all ages here, and this is a discussion and a sharing of thoughts. If that bothers you, maybe your the one that should go find a girlfriend :)
  12. Thank you for reply. Name mistake my fault, and I didn't know they knew each other.
  13. My 2nd Summary (and Grades) after watching for 2.5 weeks. Any long term RLC members, feel free to correct or add. Leora and Paul [glow=red,2,300](B)[/glow] Leora is a peach, and takes the RLC scenario seriously sharing most of her private moments with us. Paul seems to be an "extra" and doesn't pay as much attention to Leora as most guys would. (2nd) My opinion of this couple hasn't changed much. I did see Paul spend some time cuddling with Leora today - that was different. I'll keep the Grade at "B" but only because of Leora. Maya and Stepan [glow=red,2,300](D)[/glow] Not much of anything goes on here. Lot of company(family?) and a lot of TV watching and computer use. Almost as boring as my place. LOL (2nd) Nothing has changed here in my opinion. Still boring. No change in Grade. Dasha and Demid [glow=red,2,300](B)[/glow] Dasha is a very interesting girl - the kind of girl I would go out of my way to try and meet. Down to earth, but yet exciting. Demid, I think, knows this and realizes how lucky he is. Not sure who or what the Guest is, but he's 24/7 music and is going to wear out that chair he sits in 24/7 as well... (2nd) Saw another music party where there were 5 people sleeping in the bedroom overnight LOL. Too bad nothing happened between them :( No change in Grade. Nina and Kira [glow=red,2,300](A)[/glow] One of my favorite apartments. I enjoy watching the dynamics of these two. Mad at each other one day, but willing to sit and work it out - then having fun in bed as part of the makeup routine. I do think Nina should pay Kira more attention - Kira is the "giver" in the relationship, and doesn't get her share. (2nd) I think the relationship between these two is a lot deeper than I originally thought. When things go bad between them, they are genuinely hurt, and do their best to make up. And Kira doesn't seem as sad as I had thought either, she's just the serious type I think. Who is the thrid girl? She seems to work the same hours as Nina, maybe same place? No Grade change. Zoya and Lev [glow=red,2,300]©[/glow] I do love looking at Zoya, but if I had a nickle for every hour that Lev lays on that couch, I would own RLC. Lev reminds me of Paul - dud. (2nd) Thinking of changing the Grade of this apartment to "D". Lev really gets on my nerves - can't see a thing about him any girl would like. Carla and Mario (B)>[glow=red,2,300]©[/glow] This couple has some problems. Although they "truck" like bunnies, they seem to be angry with each other the other half of the time. Mario can't keep his hands off his privates, and Carla always looks like she's going to pack. Fun to watch when things are good, but sad otherwise. (2nd) Grade changed to "C". Mario acts like a 14 year old, and they seem to be at odds more than not. Carla is a great looking girl, and she can do better than being with a child. Adriana and Daniel [glow=red,2,300](B)[/glow] Something about Adriana captures my imagination - probably because she seems like she'll try anything if it sounds like fun. Daniel seems to "lean" heavily on Adriana though. He definitely loves her - but I also think he "needs" her. (2nd) I still like Adriana. They do seem to be settled into a more subtle relationship, and I think Adriana has not been 100% lately, but I still think she could keep a guy busy for a lot of hours if she was up for it :) No Grade change. Premium... Carina and Sabrina (D)>[glow=red,2,300](F)[/glow] Being honest, I'm not even sure why this apartment is here, much less on the Premium list. Not much ever goes on, the Bluegirl-Guest seems to be an addon, and the place is a freaking mess most of the time. Nothing here grabs my interest. (2nd) This apartment needs to go. Getting tired watching the arguments, and everyone sitting on the couch with their computers and cell phones. I don't see how they are keeping any guidelines set by RLC, and the VERY few times they have sex - it's just not much fun with a "Butch" involved. Grade changed to "F". Suzan and Hector [glow=red,2,300](B)[/glow] As far as the couple is concerned, you get a lot of sex, and Suzan is a knockout when she's not playing housewife. I think there's a lot of expectations concerning Suzan and the Guest since they spent the days together while Hector is at work, but I don't believe anything is ever going to happen there for whatever reasons. (2nd) The Guest "HAS" to be Hector's relative. The little bit of action between the Guest and Suzan is a little too friendly for them to be siblings. A brother-in-law trying to get a feel is more like what we're seeing. Suzan and Hector's sex is good watching, but the excitement continues to be hoping something will happen between the other two. No Grade change, but if Suzan and Guest do get it on, it's two thumbs up! Nelly and Bogdan [glow=red,2,300](A)[/glow] This couple belongs together, and I fell in love with Nelly the first time she flashed that smile :) These two treat each other well, and you can tell they have fun being around each other; A+ !! (2nd) This couple belongs together, period. They enjoy every minute together, even if it's watching TV. They are so much fun to watch, and I'm still in love with Nelly :) Still an "A+" Masha and Sasha [glow=red,2,300](B)[/glow] I stop in here hoping it's Masha's time to do her little bathroom show. She plays the RLC game well, and the couple seems to relate well too. Not the best, but definately a regular stop. (2nd) For now I'm going to leave the Grade at "B". Masha's 'bation" shows are still worth watching, but little else happens here to make me stop more often. Danaya and Adele (B)>[glow=red,2,300]©[/glow] The "B" rating is only because the girls are gorgeous. No sex though - like NADA. So if your not into looking at naked (or close to naked) girls, not much here - you can see the same thing anywhere on the internet. What "IS" interesting though is wondering what kind of jobs they have. Two phones (personal and business?) and constantly in touch with someone. I appreciate them running around the house naked, but not much action. PS: Danaya seems to be getting a little more risque recently :) (2nd) I didn't want to, but watching half naked, or fully naked, girls running around with nothing else gets old. The girls have no interest in each other, and neither brings anyone home to spice things up. I really hope RLC adds a third girl soon - maybe Danaya will get frisky again. Oh, and they seem to be out more often recently. Grade reduced to "C". Kamila and Kristy (and Rita) [glow=red,2,300](A)[/glow] What more could a guy ask for - three beautiful women (although I got the hots for Kristy). It's too bad there's no sex, but the relationship between K&K is a wonderful thing. These girls are emotionally attached at the hip, and it's super fun to watch. (2nd) No Grade change, but the dynamic seems to have turned a little South since Kamila's boyfriend entered the picture. I'm waiting to see if his presence is going to be a catalyst for ruining this apartment.
  14. Name spelling my mistake :) Thank you for reply - I didn't know they knew each other.
  15. Thanks Howard for the info. Tonight (27th) three apartments not happy. Kira and Nina seem to be having problems again. Nina is up late talking to the Guest girl, and Kira is in bed. Nina looks upset and not talking to Kira about it. Draw your own conclusions. Carina and Sabrina were really going at it earlier. Both gone now from apt., might be at work, but they were not happy with each other. This apt. is getting worse instead of better, and I agree with Howard that "Butch" is not my thing. Suzan and Hector... "Guest" must have walked in on these two - didn't go over well. Hector and Guest talked on the balcony for a while, then Guest wen to his room. It'll be interesting how Guest and Suzan react in the morning. PS: I captured a video of Danaya playing "touchy - feelly" with herself today. Considering there never any actual sex in this apt. this had me glued to the screen lol. I'll try and figure out how to post it for everyone.
  16. These two aren't long for RLC I don't think... tonight all the cameras are down.
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