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Everything posted by Neggbaroned44

  1. Thanks to Replay. A show with face uncovered for mila. So the masked version with radislava is a constraint.
  2. A l'impossible nul n'est tenu n'est-ce pas ! Donc quand j'ai pris la mesure d'une participante, je hiérarchise sa position dans mes préférences. Le cygne en B4, le ciel en B2, et Anna. Ce n'est pas l'activité sexuelle qui prédomine pour moi : pas de cohésion de groupe, intérêt très moyen. Bon Hé! je ne suis pas communiste pour autant.
  3. Je n'ose pas rivaliser avec le maître du sarcasme, alors j'utilise la dérision. Le copié-collé mal maitrisé est risqué; Je me contente des miniatures pour ces deux clones. Par contre, ce soir je suis ravi qu'une bonne volonté ait remis le cygne à l'eau. Là je regarde et j'apprécie le spectacle.
  4. Je serai tenté de dire qu'ici en B1 règne un esprit d'équipe, par opposition aux juxtapositions des individualités des vedettes (sic) des réseaux sociaux. Radislava est la seule digne d'intérêt en B4.
  5. Has the garage been transformed into an apartment? The paintings are hung from the walls, do they have a winter decoration to match the clothes of the cold season? Or are they leaving ?
  6. Maybe, but the only view of the Mediterranean sky seen from the balcony, I keep it.🤣
  7. The visitor to B2 is possibly Hanna's sister (or relative) and not Anna's.☺️
  8. This trio was magical, with the addition of a new friend. Let's bet that our hopes for fun will be fulfilled. And then a little itchy flesh: I prefer that to common anorexics.
  9. May Nana's soul rest in peace. Let's not torture each other hoping for more or better from this girl.
  10. I see one: follow our suggestions and create a set with new girls only.
  11. Bonsoir moos54, comme tu as raison. Compte tenu de l'éloignement de la villa, cela se justifie pleinement ; gros ravitaillement en vue.
  12. Elle part en mission de récupération d'effets personnels ou prêt de la valise à Mila ! She goes on a mission to recover personal effects or loan the suitcase to Mila!
  13. It is worrying, Nelly seems to hold him back, to avoid an overly impulsive reaction.
  14. Bonsoir c'est au moins le deuxième épisode que nous voyons. Histoire à suivre, hélas. Quand certains ont trop d'argent...
  15. Mial has found her new vocation. she is training to go to Kabul. but alas it is at our expense.
  16. May the sky hear you. We appreciated the vast scope of her possibilities: good things should not be overused. We can bet that the renewal will bring us a rare pearl, really involved in the project. Let's dream.
  17. the beer is ........ Estrella. Radi cans BURN are a subsidiary of Monster.
  18. J'avais cru à de la bière. Mais non, il s'agit de boisson énergisante, monstrueuse, si tu devines la marque.
  19. I improvise myself as an implementation manager. When Vivian is gone, Nana gets her room back. Radislava arrives at B4 she benefits from Nana's vacant room. Tesla's old bedroom will be for a future participant. Having written that, May the force be with the cleaning lady for these intense cleaning sessions I'm sorry if this has already been suggested, I lacked the courage to read the exchanges of the past 2 hours.
  20. Practical question, what size of truck to help radi relocate? 20-30-60 m3 ?
  21. interesting ! But the script turns to disaster film when it suggests Lola & Anna to B4. Moreover Lola having inaugurated B2 she must assert an intellectual property of the role there. Nana is very opportunistic and cunning. she will fold down her boy to create views for herself.
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