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Everything posted by Neggbaroned44

  1. Bonjour Moos54,

    Comment vas-tu l'ami ? Es-tu vacciné contre le cvd19 ? J'attends ma 2ème injection pour le 27 mai prochain. Pour revenir à cette maintenance en B1 ; je pense à Serafima en femme de ménage. Qu'en penses-tu ?


  2. Illogical deduction from my boiling brain. Until now the cleaning lady let herself be seen. There it could be someone else. A former Tenant who needs to work like many of us. Sorry, I don't have a privileged source of information.
  3. I'm not Medium, but my intuition tells me that we probably know the new housekeeper. Can you guess who I'm thinking of?
  4. Good afternoon, Completely O.T. I assure I have no addiction, no hallucination ; But i can see a new apartment with Gina and Bruno. Is it real? Welcome back on stage Gina.
  5. Hello Radislava, Your Van Gogh is just upside down.☺️
  6. Trop longtemps je voulais écrire ou lire cela. Merci à vous. Ces filles sont formidables. Serafima ne mérite pas ces déchaînements de propos négatifs. Elle est authentique dans ses émotions. Elle est humaine et c'est en cela qu'elle me plaît. Sorry, it's bed time so : french.
  7. It's just a scoop of effervescent soap. anyway, the vibrator has no power.
  8. J'ai vu cela. Ariana a ses petites routines, préalable à tout plaisir solitaire. Voyons comment elle invite Sera.
  9. Or how to get rid of all guilt ? cheap and efficient, let's see tomorrow. The best advice would to increase her performance.
  10. The little whale must breathe through. So let's do some training, him, her to wear the mask. the future mother wears some undergarment for this purpose.
  11. Gina is like me, she prefers the city center instead of the suburbs. So B1 and B2 suit him better. But at the moment the work is not running the streets so she will go there the income is assured. Someone lese in B1 to fit Serafima ? I do know, this night i dream too much.
  12. most likely, her stay is drawing to a close, and she returns to her own apartment. Should we think that the arrival of Serafima accelerates her departure?
  13. Gina is gradually moving to Carla & Yane's old apartment. can we dream of this? Yes, i am missing her too.
  14. Bonsoir, obviously we are waiting for the same information, you and me. I think she returned to her home.
  15. Please don't say it too loudly. We risk losing the Replay as well. Is this another very timely breakdown ?
  16. Bonjour, Un retour de Babi est-il possible en B2 ? Is a return of Babi in b2 possible ?
  17. I'm quite disappointed to see Gina in this kind of scenario. but you have to fill the bowl, right?
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