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Everything posted by tredm

  1. There seems to be less energy tonight. Maybe it's because they don't take as many trips to the bathroom... Their bladder must be too full or something. hmmmmmm?
  2. I thought Barca 1 was the tease and barca2 was supposed to be the 'real thing'? Doesn't RLC have it backwards?
  3. it's really interesting to read all the comments. Since I can't really 'see', it helps but, I don't yet know if i'm glad or sad that I can't see this apartment?? Let me know if I 'really' miss something so I can be sad for a moment or two!? lol
  4. Euth63: That's ok...I can live without it based on what I saw last night. StnCld316: Agree except...the MASH reruns are good! lol
  5. Just had an idea... RLC planned... party at Barca 1, tease-tease-tease, move almost all barca 1 to barca 2 so those of us not signed up will join to watch barca 2? Not gonna work RLC! I'm 'LESS' likely to join now than I was before. Anyway, just a thought!
  6. I agree...plus, the acting wasn't that good except for lola and anna!
  7. In my opinion, he must be 'someone' with power or money because these girls, as beautiful as they are, could not have set their standards this low?! They could do SOOOOOO much better. I don't get it? Oh well....guess we just have to laugh!
  8. I wonder how much the people in the bar have to pay to watch them? lol
  9. Yep...no free cams...time restrictions on RLC for free viewing...seems to me the management is doing everything it can to 'turn off' new, potential members?
  10. Hi StnCld...i was just checking in on Irmas, etc. room and before i said anything in the chat,  i just wanted to know what happened to the Chat for general discussion ?  It seems there are a lot of pages dedicated to discussion of other rooms in the General Chat for Irma, etc. room.  Is this allowed now??  thanks,  dana3

  11. I gave up a few days ago. I have avoided joining RLC for quite a while now and, especially glad that i have done so based on the last 3-4 weeks. I watch the other apartments now for free and come by here every so often just to see if vika's boyfriend left yet! Very sad to see what has happened to this apartment. I still think Elisa and Rita could communicate more and get a little closer but will just wait to see what happens. Finally, i certainly agree with you...this isn't what it used to be nor, is it what it SHOULD be!
  12. This looks like a normal evening to me...no one here! I miss seeing danaya laying in her bed? (lol)
  13. Probably joking cause if that's what she 'really' wanted, she may have had a chance with elisa but, she decided to stay with Vika cause, in my opinion, she knew vika wouldn't do anything! In my opinion, elisa might have 'scared' her...
  14. she gave up on aida, she gave up on us...she gave up on vika...she gave up on danaya...but, she still has her boyfriend! The greater question is: Why is she here?
  15. hi yury...too bad about danaya if i understand this correctly. She traded many of her followers here for adele and the 'local guys'...now, she has....adele and the local guys. The hard part of growing up is that you have to live with the decisions that you make! Danaya made her decisions and now...must live with the consequences of those decisions. thanks for all the translations...they add a new dimension to our understanding!
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