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Everything posted by tredm

  1. #2 evil sister gone...probably required by Adele to meet her somewhere because Aida's in the apartment! Aida must be hiding under covers...can't blame her...i'd hide to!
  2. I agree. Looks like danaya's up and dressing. Must have got a call from adele telling her what to do! LOL
  3. In my opinion, aida has tried to be friends with danaya AND adele. It doesn't seem like adele will ever be a friend (no loss) and danaya is too childish...playing games. If danaya 'wants' a friend like aida, aida should just wait. danaya will come to her. Aida has done all she can to open the door to friendship...it's up to danaya now! I'm not holding my breath though...birds of a feather (adele/danaya) flock together!
  4. Thanks for the photos K2000...super. If it wasn't for these photos, i wouldn't know what goes one. Someday, i'll join RLC. I keep waiting and than stuff like today happens so i'm going to wait until adele leaves for sure.
  5. I also hope aida stays away from danaya...she could become infected with a personality disorder called adeledanaya syndrome which results in mean, childish antisocial behavior.
  6. I sincerely hope that aida gives danaya no further attention. Danaya deserves adel....two of a kind...two peas in a pod. danaya will be alone soon and, she deserves it.
  7. Looks like i missed some interesting action between aida and danaya with danaya giving some attention to aida only to be interrupted by adele followed by danaya, once again, being owned by adele. Too bad danaya can't be the mature adult and set adele straight but i find it disgusting that she constantly allows adele to control her. danaya is controlled and owned by adele. In my opinion, she can either fix this dysfunctional relationship or leave and take adele with her. the group of pictures from hflyer say it all. Shame on you danaya...shame on you. I expect this type of behavior from adele who wants only to control but, did not expect it from danaya.
  8. How true...how true...another day in bed all day tomorrow. As for the Irma/Anna thing...Now I AM depressed! If only they could be here....dream.....dream.....
  9. I'm simply no good at reading body language or reading people. I actually thought that adele was the SOLUTION to the 'Ilona owns Danaya' problem. All i learned from all of this is that sometimes the Solution to the problem is 10x worse than the original problem. LOL..................
  10. Hang in...should be about 9 more days before adele leaves (i'm hoping)...Still time for Danaya to grow a brain. You would think after being owned by ilona and now adele, she would figure it out. Guess this is why i gave up even trying to understand women!
  11. It must mean something that i'd rather watch the thumbnail of danaya that the live video of adele??
  12. I remember when it was poor adele while ilona and danaya played at being active...now, it's poor Aida while adele and danaya play being active...i'm not sure what this means other than the common denominator is...Danaya...who should be mature and adult enough NOT to repeat the same game which causes emotional pain...even if it is temporary...but, as i keep repeating what someone else said: Karma's a bitch!
  13. How interesting...i think they forgot to say 'bye' to aida!...Just must have overlooked common courtesy due to the rush they were in. Now, i hope aida comes downstairs for a while...the place is hers....again!
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