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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. On 2/5/2019 at 7:55 PM, Howard said:

    Once Is Not Enough.

    (Video Content No Longer Available)

    Twice in quick succession proves how sensual Anabel really is and how adept she is at her technique.

    Maybe one day Leora will learn how to come twice in a row like this, giving herself a bonus boost after the first explosion has died away. Hope so.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Mark Thompson said:

    hi  J...…... Stdcld316… suggested a site( but I can't copy paste from other area?)  ...go to pictures/ Chloe /Tyler, page 5 and review suggestion... as a newbie, he is proving helpful, experienced and I trust his? advice... I too have some pics and just need time to figure out and practice....good luck.... and if you understand French this Hope 85 is a truly gifted master...good luck and so look forward to many postings....peace and postings....r    

    Hope is Spanish btw Mark..

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Here's the Solution Admin & Myself have come up with.     Pornlink will now be Posting his Hot Scope Video Links in the Downloads & Links Forum Board. All the Original Content made in regards to Hot Scope has been moved to the Topic Pornlink created a couple of weeks back. If anyone wishes to Download from Pornlink then you can find the Posts at the said Forum Board to obtain any Download if you wish. The only thing left in reference in the Video Topics are the Quotes previously made. I will be taking care of those as time permits. Moving forward there should be no further complaints about the Links.

    As far as Tube Sites go they all get Videos from Cam Caps and other Forums that have the Voyeur Content and place them on their Sites with their own Watermarks whether it be Hot Scopes, Pornhd4k, Pornhd6k, Joys Hub and the many others out there. It's a battle that can't be won.

    This should be a Solution that's Fair to All.

    Thank you for organising that. It should provide the perfect solution.

    • Like 1
  4. On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 9:03 AM, Mark Thompson said:

    and to my surprise, he is now on top of Jenn in bed... all clothes on??? but a normal! environment , insecurity issues of bondage and a impotent 3some out of the way....Frankie might get a real boner and have some fun.... my time limit ran out so maybe good news could get posted that they got laid...lol....love this 'psyco' analyzing of people I don't even know but get caught up in our community of trying to figure out others lives through pictures.... so bizarre...

    It's not so much psychoanalysing, but wild speculation in most cases, or wish fulfilment!

  5. 2 hours ago, rainman13 said:

    i think pornlink is killed the spirit from this forum


    You've captured it perfectly I think. The spirit is exactly what those who contribute here are a key part of. They are not in competition with one another or seeking anything more than mere gratitude.

    Last time I tried to download one of those things I got a message saying my computer was affected with a virus and to call this number immediately to stop my banking details being used.

    Of course I closed the session and got rid of it but I never get such messages with mab or zippyworld. It only works sometimes and it's clearly a risk, despite all the claims otherwise.

    The spirit of camaraderie among Hope, Howard and all the others we have learned to appreciate is in stark contrast to the attention-seeking Johnny-come-lately types.

    Hopefully this will pass eventually and we can return to a pattern of greater civility and the customary selfless sharing. 

    • Like 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, Hope85 said:

    Hi all.

     ... I had thought to do the same friend Mittsy1 , (NOT PUT NOT ONE COPY THIS VIDEO TO DISCONTINUE show up here) ... but ... perooooo the end the gainer is.

                                   I would order from here to ADMINISTADORES that do not allow links to that page
    or at the end of which we will not go into here are the usual.


    Outside THE Dc2o.gif

    Respect! You have every right to feel this way. Especially since you never hesitate to re-up your videos when those who missed them ask you politely for another chance to see them.

    • Like 1
  7. Although at first glance it is a small apartment, ultra small by RLC standards, the one free room does at least have a couch so in some ways with the camera positions it may be better than say Lana's kitchen where the sofa is mostly blocked by the kitchen bench.

    I'm still hopeful that for all its shortcomings we may see more here than we ever see in places like Julia's or Kitty's place which are seldom exciting or surprising.

    The fact that they have visitors even in such a confined space augurs well for some activity now and again and they don't look like morons compared to some we see.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Wichstviel said:

    why is constantly crying here because times 2 3 Post people and screamed for videos? she writes in the moment itself where is the logic? Let People write your 2 3 Comments and not crying for videos But Invite halt even what my high fresse

    Either the translation software is completely useless or this message is indecipherable by any of us and I suspect mostly the latter.  

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Mark Thompson said:

     how can I see these? or can I? thx      I see a lot of.png and others with the X in a box...have they been blocked?   Also these mab and Zippy and Zona??? require a membership. I hesitate with mab as they want access to my personal info or files.... I'm not trusting of that.... I'm also not that good with a lot of new internet tricks???? any suggestions or at least help seeing these X'd .png files (pictures right) thanks 

    I use mab and zippy all the time and can't remember ever being asked to become a member. Maybe you need to be a member to upload content for others to download?

    Those with greater technical awareness can answer your question on that topic. I find mab less complicated than zippy which sometimes has to be attempted several times to get to download, somewhat hit and miss, which still works eventually but is not as simple to use as mab, I find, being very much a lay person.


    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Yalche said:

    I still think you are not honest

    Yes his site is working

    Yes there are other sites where we find vids uploaded from other sources with watermark (is there a "pornlink" forumer for those sites ? )


    But, here, pornlink can, in front of those who make the job, use Camcaps to make advertising for his site for free and all the time, and for his own benefit. At the minimum it is unfair.

    Other sites don't spoil camcaps and moreover with such arrogance with those who are the real sources and make the job for free. Copy/past with watermark and money and unfairness.

    I don't understand why you don't speak about that, as you can see, many on this forum don't like pornlink and his behaviour for money.

    At the contrary you seem to be very friendly with him.

    Think that those who make the job can stop. Do you think it will be a good thing for Camcaps !! No and even pornlink will loose.

    We know his site exists and that's it, like for other sites. He can put the link of his site in the good thread (other links, etc ...)

    He says the vids stay longer on his site (like others with watermark) but the real reason is simply the money. For those who ask for a reupload, they can see other sites in the good thread (other links) and choose one of them. Yes but pornlink wants to be must known than other sites and put many posts each and every day to beat them. It is this thing that is not normal.

    My propsition : (but I am "nothing" !!! )

    Let those who want  a  reupload or old vids ask for a reupload (with success or not) or find themselves  and choose other sites, with the help of a dedicated thread (other links). If his site is so good, they will use it.


    I hope my english is good enough to be understood.

    For me it is not a problem. I always choose what I want to get among all the solutions but I am very keen on truth and fairness. Yes in this world it sounds like utopia 😱😁

    Well said! Even if your English is not perfect your message is clear and very reasonable. One has to wonder who exactly 'pornlink' is and even if the poster has connections to any of the site's functionaries. We're talking about moral responsibility here. What is fair and decent on a forum which has many selfless contributors, doing their work for zero financial reward. The posts go against the spirit of cooperative endeavour and initiative, something people like Hope, Howard, Mittsy and many other generous souls over the years possess, none of them motivated by an eagerness to earn money, only respect and gratitude.

    • Like 4
  11. 8 minutes ago, momoreal said:

    she too wanted to get fucked, and the other apple has not understood yet

    It can only be a matter of time before Leora takes a lover. It may take a very long time, admittedly, but her urges are so clear for us to see and she's not able to satisfy them as thoroughly as she obviously aspires to.

    Her loyalty and devotion to her man will prevent it happening any day soon, but as she matures and her desires continue to grow and widen, the day may come when opportunity presents itself and she yields to temptation. Unless she already has, of course, and is reliving those moments during her sessions of self-pleasuring.

    We will probably never find out. For now we must content ourselves with her fantasies being lived out in the various rooms when alone and free to express herself fully.

  12. Yes and with this in mind it's no wonder Leora gave a rare midnight show, rather than a mid afternoon one, with an awareness that her time was up for the month. Luckily she was alone and free to give herself full rein.

    As for the bruises, didn't see them in the live event but all the close-up replays gave a clear picture. I suspect she knocked against something in the bathroom or bedroom in her ecstasy and didn't notice the pain at the time due to the intense rapture. Otherwise conspiracy theories can abound and everyone's imagination can run wild. But she did go out earlier in the day and who knows what she got up to!

  13. On 1/25/2019 at 4:30 PM, Mittsy1 said:
    Here is the video without their ugly logo.
    (Content No Longer Available)

    Three cheers! Some IT types think everyone on this forum is technically skilled and can understand when to click on and when not to when facing screens like the one presented by Pornlink for our edification.

    It may be easy for some to guess correctly, but others like myself wind up going to places we don't wish to go, as the response to clicking on 'download' produces a different result every time, often a negative one.

    But there are some for whom the technical nature of the internet comes as second nature. If that were the case Microsoft would not have needed to invent Windows and everyone would still be using dos prompts! So thanks for providing the link that any fools can use including many old fools. Wise work Mittsy!

    • Like 2
  14. This may be so on this occasion, but her relative defiance and wilfulness varies from day to day and she's been known to throw caution to the wind many times, though if she's had words with him over it she may back off for a while until she feels she can take more risks.

    That's how I see it anyway. I don't think she's necessarily being manipulated by Paul. I think there's a bit of it from her too, regarding the income she earns and I think the partnership has its ebbs and flows, its ups and downs with one holding all the aces sometimes and at times the other.

    The problem usually arises when she's extra horny and can't satisfy herself enough and needs to escape to the bathroom etc. Under usual circumstances she can wait for the right moment when she's free to enjoy herself, knowing that she can become aroused fairly easily using her phone as an aid and enjoying a slow build-up. I don't think she really enjoys being rushed so if she starts and reckons she can't finish properly she'll just abandon the idea until the right moment presents itself or in desperation head off to the bathroom. 

    • Like 2
  15. 35 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

    Mittsy, You,  like Hope Just Man and others that use your talent and skills to provide such fun, and enjoyment for people like me who struggle with the technology ( I don't even know if this will post...   I just want to say You are SO APPRECIATED.... I hope your disappointment (especially caused by the idiots? that  unfortunately are every where in life) that will keep you interested in making this site, and my selfish (and others of course) a very cool , and liberated forum and shared entertainment.... You are loved and appreciated whatever your choice...peace


    Warm applause for this post.

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