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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. 1 hour ago, GooJr said:

    What's wrong with pornlink? The site works fine and allows you to download the videos. The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned 😕

    To understand what all the fuss is about go to the Leora and Paul Videos thread where all the recent posts there provide a lot of explanations about what is wrong with pornlink and why nobody wants anything to do with his links. 

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  2. 47 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    That's a real shame Mittsy because your vids have been great and certainly with Hope you have been the star of this site.

    However I understand how you feel and were i in the same position I would feel the same way.

    I used to post a lot of pictures on this site, possibly the most at one stage, but it did bother me when people would copy the captures I made from this site. It was always a risk and a couple of times I found I got blocked from RLC. Now these are RLC's pictures not mine but the people who would copy them not only copied them but put them on other sites to gain points for themselves usually after having the cheek to stick their logos on it and actually mutilating the original shot which was in many ways more annoying as they clearly weren't paying attention to their content. I only ever DL from mab now so won't be going elsewhere.  

    And mab has certainly proven to be the most reliable and efficient so I'm right with you there BBsq69 - the two links provided by Hope on a regular basis are both good ones and easy for the non-technical types to follow and make use of. These links from others that make technical demands which send you round in circles and are poorly explained and often lead to spam and no result are a complete waste of our time and should not be given oxygen on this site. Hoping those who do post like Hope, Howard and Mittsy will continue to share their unselfish work and provide just those two options, of which mab is clearly my own personal preference with the alternative not too far behind. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Howard said:

    ESET Nod32 & Malwarebytes say to avoid the link.

    Not even Leora is worth the chance of getting my computer infected w/ malware or a virus.  Ain't no ***** worth it. 😉

    Didn't we have this same discussion once before? I wonder why anyone wants to use anything other than the two efficient and regularly-chosen sites for this purpose. Mystifying why this occasionally still happens. Thanks Howard for stepping in with this sound advice. Again.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Calle said:

    Paul would have wanted to cum into her mouth, but as Leora was rubbing herself to climax at the same time, she could not stay still as we have seen many times, and Paul had to cum on her chest because Leora could not concentrate on keeping his dick in her mouth. And soon after cumming, Paul of course went to the toilet, but first brought Leora some toilet paper. Such a romantic moment!

    Sensitive to a fault!

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  5. 21 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    The couple has always been boring and non eventful. Their sex is boring. They have boring friends and in the rare once in a blue moon instance they have a party, their parties are boring. But my opinion is rather jaded. There are literally only two couples I like on RLC.

    I just get so frustrated seeing attractive women having boring sex I get discouraged from watching anybody in general.

    I think you do have a point. Unfortunately this IS real life and many people - even the most attractive ones in the community - do lead boring lives and lack imagination and empathy/sensitivity/thoughtfulness and certainly adventurousness it has to be acknowledged.

  6. On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 3:57 AM, thomas979 said:



    i like this couple but most of the time they are very boring same positions every time no foreplay  for being so young they bang like old married couple

    I also find it a bit off the way she uses a roll of paper towels to mop up after him, rather than a box of tissues. It's not as if they are not living in a new, affluent Russia, with a smart apartment and all mod cons. I've seen this with other couples too, using toilet rolls or other things to do the mopping up. It must be said that Leora is much kinder to the environment and mops up after herself using her underwear which is about to go in the wash and I think that is far more pleasant a way of cleaning up.

    Or is there some reason why paper towels rather than facial tissues are not widely available in Russia when they are everywhere else in the modern world and are so much more hygienic?

  7. 3 hours ago, moreau said:

    Sam with Éva and the brunette in bed ..... he already sees himself as Sasha ..... he has never made a spark with his cock his sexual acts last 10 minutes shower included ... girls are not hot I think it's good for a handjob tonight in the toilet

    Sam avec Éva et la brune dans le lit .....il se voit déjà comme Sasha .....il n ' a jamais fait d ' étincelle avec sa bite ses actes sexuels durent 10 minutes douche comprise ...les filles ne sont pas chaudes je pense qu ' il est bon pour une branlette ce soir dans les WC 


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  8. On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 1:29 AM, Howard said:

    Lots of banging! Lots of pounding! But no matter how hard he drilled, he just couldn't get to that happy place.

    Gotta watch the whole thing for some 'comedy relief' (another couple in the kitchen banged one out - hopefully someone can post it).

    (Video Content No Longer Available)

    And they said 'get a room!' So much for THAT idea!

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  9. 1 hour ago, letsdothis said:

    Doesn't work on a laptop, either. ☹️

    So I'm not as old and silly as I thought then! Good old mab still the way to go. Must say I can use that other popular one (zippyshare) on my laptop after a few false steps,as well as mab, but I can't use it on my phone ,as it asks permission to take all my contacts before I can use it! 

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