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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. 3 hours ago, Franck said:

    Sorry, but I didn't know how to use ZippyShare !

    and let's face it mab is much more secure especially when downloading to a phone than zippyshare which asks you to allow for all manner of spam or maybe even physhing to be carried out. I know it's slow, painfully so at times, but I feel much safer and less in the hands of evil-doers by using mab to download videos. Not sure how uploading goes but frankly I find zippyshare a pain in the neck, especially on a mobile phone.

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  2. 1 hour ago, momoreal said:

    Hello everyone

    thanks to LEORA and we translate the world of people from the world to different people, to appreciate us, we have the same woman we are going to be happy, Paul is nice in fact, he is going to leave us, he knows that he will not hurt you, thank you buddy if you want to send it on holiday to one LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

    I'm waiting for an answer guys

    So we know you're right-handed! We know more of your secrets now!

    As for the cream, each to their own and remember our female members are reading this too and they may generate their own lubricant, plus maybe bring along a sex toy of their own choosing!

    Much better translation than usual, too. 


  3. He's completely ignoring her as he's so wrapped up in his technical work on the computer. She seems to be sounding off about something, maybe all the electrical leads on the floor making it like an assault course!

    I'm sure it's just frustration with not being alone and being expected to cook for him without him even bothering to engage her in conversation. 

    Then again he may think she's nagging and ignoring her is better than fighting her. 

    Either way, other than enjoying Leora in her latest costume change and parading around the LR with other things on her mind than mere food, or in Paul's case computer topics, we could be waiting a while now for anything interesting to happen again soon, at least on the free cams.


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  4. 6 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    I've seen Bogdan try it once and Nelly got REALLY, ROYALLY PISSED! I
    think she hit him a couple of times, yelled at him and stormed out of
    the room, if memory serves. That may have been the only time I've
    ever seen her angry. That was a long time ago. Then again, I've seen
    Nelly with a vibrator in her ass, so go figure.

    And only a few weeks ago, if not days, she rejected his anal advances again and they really looked awkward for some time afterwards. I'd say unless she initiates it, which is unlikely, Bogdan had better not even suggest it again in the foreseeable future.

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