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Everything posted by suckier44

  1. What'swrong eith this guy he as a hot naked women wanting too have sex and he can't get hard she should forget it with him and get someone who can perform this is like watching paint dry lol
  2. That's Edda and joe ( and her hair is pink I think not sure lol )
  3. Now that's one hell of a big step from Nora well done both girls wow
  4. Well they need to sort it out at this rate we will be days behind the action and that's not good enough they are normally better than this tbh I have been here from day 1. And never had this happen until the last two times action has happened
  5. Why is the archive not updated with last nights yet how long does it take this is getting stuped now come on sort this problem out before it gets crazy grrrrr
  6. We're is all the action from all the apartments from last night they ain't in archives why is it taken so long to come up this is the second time the last few days this has happened why is this ???
  7. Yes golfer give them some time at least a year gosh u have seen enough nudity so far in this apartment with all them balloon stop being greedy lmao
  8. That's what I thought was just making sure lol thanks
  9. That female on the couch with that guy is that women the one who had a bath the other day some ppl said it was her mother or is that a different female ???
  10. When will ppl just accepted what they want too see in this apartment will never ever happen and stop wasting there time comment after comment there only ever going too tease every now and then and that's the best your going to get accepted it and move on guys 77 pages of nothing don't that tell you that your wasting your time I give up days ago
  11. Them dam naked balloons they really are a piece of work they have been nothing but trouble ever since they entered this apartment I ain't watching this apartment again until them balloons get kicked for good lmao
  12. Ok thanks mate they must have forgotten about them lol too busy covering them naked balloons in that pointless apartment lol
  13. Well it looks like the action of the 3some of Alan serena and Nina is missing from last night and still I wait too see it why is it not already there it normally is even the action with serena and joe and his partner from the living room ain't there from last night very odd indeed
  14. I am being positive I am positive nothing will happen ever lol
  15. 58 pages and still no action well done you are setting a lot of records 1 year old today and you are breaking the record of nothing happing in a apartment well done
  16. Now the site is down again what a bloody joke of a apartment this really is well least we seen naked balloons the best part of the night lol
  17. Ok let's be fast before they realise that there is naked things there hurry lol
  18. Shhhhhh golfer don't say that or they will leave lmao
  19. I knw stanly I will wait cause timeline always buffers for me all the time thanks for the advice
  20. Ok I will wait a little bit longer then cause they would have been very busy with all the stuff there doing its ok I am sure it will be there soon thanks for the reply and all your hard work mate
  21. Will the action. Between Alan and sarena and Nina from last night be in archives soon ??
  22. Nothing but a joke at this rate this apartment won't last much longer what a shame so much promise but what a big fat fail
  23. This must be the fastest open and shut down apartment of all time what a record lmao
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