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Everything posted by meran

  1. Jasmin was complaining about music and slamming door and she is not even sleeping. Just in the bed with her lazy ass and on ipad. She just want everyone to become a zombie like her. I feel sorry for her boy friend. Poor guy has to deal with this shit. Anyway I am off to bed. Good night
  2. Bye Bye all fun until Madam sour face , Lazy ass is there Two more months with Jasmin ??? Worst girl of all time .
  3. write to RLC and ask them to send Jasmin back . She wants to sleep as if she has to wake up and go to work or do something important . She has been sleeping or eating or on her ipad. Has not done any shit and she will be sitting on her ass all day tomorrow. I am really pissed at this girl now.
  4. because she is there to spoil everything. Just sit on her ass and suck on our money and complain. Worst girl of the RLC ever. Common on everyone write to RLC and ask them to send her packing due to her non social behavior. Others have to wait for her to go to bedroom and then she complain about music . As if she is tired. She has been sleeping all day or sitting on her ass not doing anything at all.
  5. I was saying this since a long time that Jasmin is spoiling the whole apartment but all you haters start bashing me. :) How many times does she has to do her things to proof my point
  6. allergy to cams . thats what these girls have. Jasmin has a big time. thats why she either stays in bed or on couch.
  7. well one minute if talk is a lot for the standards of RLC. damn i missed the most exciting thing happened....:((( LOL
  8. this is the best post of the forum and most reported Jas back to bed Jas back to couch Jas back to bed Jas back to couch Jas back to bed Jas back to couch Jas back to bed Jas back to couch Jas back to bed Jas back to couch Jas back to bed Jas back to couch Jas back to bed Jas back to couch
  9. What difference does it make in her life. she is either at bed or on couch, only time she gets up is to either shit or eat and then land in the bed of couch again.
  10. just logged in. Did Jasmin moved her ass anywhere else other than bed and couch or it is on auto repeat like every day ?
  11. Well said. Its like kids. I am not complaining about lesbo show. I am complaining about boring . There have been girls who never did any sex but they kept the environment energetic Jasim just sit on her ass with her blank face . either looking at movie, ipad or phone. How exciting
  12. dream on. they are so lazy that . will not even go on their knees even if they agree to do it with you.
  13. so it was just on auto repeat today as well? did they do anything different ? Not complaining but asking because i just logged in :))) Dont bash me RLC staff :) .
  14. just joined. Have Jasmin moved her ass from couch or bed anywhere else or is it the same on auto repeat ?
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