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Everything posted by meran

  1. Belle has her nose mask on. so after this nothing is going to happen. they are going to watch movies on tv until they go to bed.
  2. until Jas is there nothing is going to happen. same is case with Milena and Lima in the other apartment. so just forget it. get a good night sleep
  3. hopefuly Jas will park her lazy ass in her bed soon and Belle and Reb can switch on some music.
  4. Best set up would be Jas, Melina , Lima ( Name dead fish apartment ) or just simply close it . better they are gone. one less useless thumbnail. Move Lara , Belle , Reb together.
  5. Guys until Jasmin is there all parties are going to end up like this. She needs to be in her room all the time . or out of here to barca 1
  6. I mentioned it last time. Each girl who has sex leaves RLC. So is it purposely done.... When a girl is having sex with other girl or brings a guy leaves the project so for only Melina opened up right from start and is still there
  7. whats hard at work ??? I see you just text. is there a link with your text ?
  8. keep an eye on the girl. she is going to get some pussy.. the guy tried to lick but she was like. naaa its not the same. go and get dressed
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