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Everything posted by meran

  1. after a comedy and laugh . time to hit the bed. Lets hope Jasmin stays in bed for the rest of her stay ..
  2. dont think anyone complaining even they know its fake. Its more for fun and anyway Belle isnt lesbian or will do girls. Megan would have been a different story
  3. keep Jas in the room and just keep dancing. at least they know how to laugh and have fun when zombie is hibernating,
  4. cancelled now waiting to see if they kick jasmin and lima out and improve before it expires for me. if it doesnt i will not sign up
  5. yeah she can sit on her ass all day like a zombie :) and make other girls zombies too.
  6. thats what I have been saying since day one of her arrival but some people start bashing me :)
  7. Jas time spent. In bed and or at coach. Only time she stands up is to either eat, shit or go out. :)
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