from what i have seen anna only has sex with alex she is with him , as for the new guys i see they fancy anna but she does not have sex with them because shes loyal to alex , she has to make a show of sorts for villa bosses i guess but she is alexs girl
so what do u find hard to understand old man younger women iv been there in past ,nought wrong just age lol just shows younger guys get so insercure with the fact that old men can be attractive also , lol i find it funny peoples views and judgments lol
i love anna also , but i have unsubscibed because more aprtments they just spread same people in them so no more for me , they need new people the peeps that r in them dont have fun no more ,people like nelly david , sonia ivo , petra , all coupled up and they just want to live in them which is understandble, but move on please and let some single people in there that want to mix together have fun together , thats what is needed , vouyervilla needs to do that
give the new guy a chance bless lol he was jumped bye jacky lol so see how she plays it , last guy she scared off lol so funny lol but i agree i luv anna she is a cool chick unique , not sure what to think off alex though lol
poor eva the cat looks like his or her legs ar either broke or really injured, it dont surprise me ivo sonia and jacky so rough with it, iv seen them pick it up bye its legs chuck it around kick out that was jacky , its upsetting to see poor cat is in pain they need to treat it alot better and try not to break its arms and legs poor cat