This is not what I expected from Leora I never get to see live action. I am 😦
have to use replay all the time is not the same. The US guys get real life sleeping.
So does anyone know what is really going on? I think it sucks because we who have been with her since the beginning did have contact here and then didn't because of some idot. Now we have now way of communicating or seeing her and that really bothers the hell out of me just knowing if she is ok or not.
This is going to be interesting for the Russian people the web censored it's going to be real interesting to see how this plays out. It's the dark ages all over again.
russian users are still on the net adult sites so there is hope Leora will show up. As for Paul being gone that could be why Leora was on Vacation looking for a new place to live.
Oh thank goodness I thought I lost you Leora to an outing. That is so sexy I love that outfit do you ever where it out without any panties on to flash the guys?
yes Leora I could lick and nibble right where your hand is all day and all night.
I love the ice cream cone panties. I especially love it because your so horny and I would love to see you soak those panties with your juices and especially love it if you were oiled up and showing off that sexy ass of yours.