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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. well its never been established for sure why belle and milena dont speak, what is for sure is that belle made a chioce and turned her back on lima and milena. So if anyone should has a right to have their feelings hurt right now its milena and lima not belle. As I recall belle left wirthout so much as a good by, and only returned when no one was home. I dont think belle planned to return, and if RLC was involved (and I think they were) then she may not have the option to return to b-2 that may be off limits, I would not be surprised if belle went home at this point. belle is being pissy cause she was made to do something she doesn't want to do. AND she was treated like crap at b-2 whether she realizes it or not. I like belle but she not the victim here i am not convinced that she knows anything about the bating session, and as for the plate thing i did not see that, the night of the party milena made a comment about how the table was arranged and within minutes glassware was broken (speaking of which they wound up breaking like four glasses that night) and broken glass was left in floor. thank kitek they way i read that is to say milena does not care what belle does or does not do, what milena does care about is whether her own actions reflect poorly on herself.......i would be curious to know exactly what the comment was reference too however
  2. hhhmmm i dont see belle or stella on the b-2 thumbs, could be belle is just doing a stop and go to get fresh clothes and stuff and stella is going for moral support .... because you know the girls in b-1 are sooo gangster......you can tell by their tattoos.....lol
  3. oh i forgot to say that lola had the phone on speaker while she was in the bathroom and the other three were waiting outside the door, it was a female voice and the tone did not sound happy more like the sound of someone delivering bad news.......while all this was going on belles phone was blowing up with text messages
  4. if belle left b-2 we will know in about 20 minutes if comes straight home. She will probably be in a pissy mood about it too.
  5. if she does it will kill the vibe in b-1, and they are just starting to get along well and open up more
  6. yeah i caught a bit of a phone call to lola and then all the girls had an animated conversation and belle didn't look to happy, i wonder if RLC is making belle go home
  7. did anyone catch milena's phone conversation just now??? what was it about? she was speaking english but i caught the tail end and lag caused me to miss it
  8. the length of their stay is in direct relation to the length of their visa, one month visa 30 days stay, 90 day visa 3 month etc.
  9. ok so they went out together yesterday and came back with body paint.....maybe today they come home with more women and sex toys
  10. in bed for close to 15 hours no one bothered to check on her that i saw, and then kick her out to the couch.....just a crappy way to treat someone
  11. OT: Lola a royal heffer she just kicked belle out of that huge ass bed so she could lay down, no reason she could not share that huge bed....sick little belle back on the couch
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