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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That has to be one of the funniest jokes and biggest lie ever posted on this thread.
  2. And what is the reason for your stupidity? The public school system or were you just born stupid? Or maybe the doctor dropped you on your head when you were born?
  3. If you ever watched real news you would have seen her saying it, dumb fuck.
  4. The new governor of New York says people need to get vaccinated because that is what God wants.
  5. Why should Republicans help to raise the debt ceiling so that Democrats can pass spending bills that Republicans were not allowed to have any part in writing? If the bills are not bi-partisan why should Democrats expect any help from Republicans in passing them? If Democrats want to cram through legislation without allowing any input from Republicans than they also need to raise the debt ceiling by themselves.
  6. Another lie being spread by Democrat politicians and liars like you. A government shutdown has no affect on SS payments.
  7. Another brain dead indoctrinated liberal progressive. She's from Manhattan, NY. That figures, the center of liberal progressive loonyville.
  8. Smarten up and become an indoctrinated good little Democrat like you? No thanks, I prefer to think for myself.
  9. When are you going to start paying for all your "friends with benefits"?
  10. If you checked the records in Texas you would probably find that most of the 15,000 rapes were committed by Democrats and illegal aliens.
  11. Too insure that we never again have a fair and honest election in America and to guarantee that Democrats never ever lose another election.
  12. With the way the Biden Administration is pissing off Texas Democrat voters with the open borders immigration policy, Democrats had better register a bunch of illegal aliens to vote or else they may get wiped out in the 2022 and 2024 elections in Texas.
  13. No, I was at home watching the riot on t.v. thinking how stupid those people were.
  14. And Joe Biden was able to win the Democratic Party presidential nomination over Bernie Sanders by campaigning as a moderate. Bernie was soundly rejected by Democrats because they viewed his policies as too radical. It will be entertaining to see Democrats in the 2022 and 2024 elections try to convince American voters that they are moderates.😏
  15. And I wonder how much money Hunter and the rest of the Biden family received from the Chinese government as part of the deal?
  16. I wonder how many of those 15,000 rapes were committed by illegal aliens and Democrat voters?
  17. Yeah, and I hope Trudeau screws up Canada as badly as Joe Biden is screwing up the U.S.
  18. That's because Trump is more popular in South Carolina than is Lindsey Graham.😏
  19. Another right wing MAGA Trump supporting Black man. I didn't realize there were so many.
  20. Common sense? How do unvaccinated people infect vaccinated people if the vaccine prevents Covid infection?
  21. Sorry, but a study conducted in Israel shows that people infected with Covid have an immunity 27 times as good as immunity received from vaccination.
  22. No, It's just the opposite. Manchin opposes excessive spending on socialist projects because he does care about the country. Don't worry, asshole RINO Republicans like Mitt Rromney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkoskey, Rob Portman, and Bill Cassidy will probably help Democrats to pass both bills.
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