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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Maybe the audit missed it's deadline because they have discovered much more fraud than they expected to find.😉
  2. Which is more proof that Trump voters do not support the idiots who rioted at the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6.
  3. The proof are the statements of Tera Reade. Definitely much more credible than any of the accusations that Christine Blasey-Ford made against Brett Kavanaugh,
  4. And the boring repetitious comments from the mentally limited Russian agent continue.
  5. Why would anyone take advice from a failing late night comedian who is not even funny? Greg Guttfeld is kicking Colbert's ass in the late night tv ratings.
  6. The real reason he is not seeking reelection is because he knows he would get trounced in the Republican primary election. Good riddance to a RINO piece of garbage.
  7. Too bad Milley didn't do the same thing to save us from senile Joe Biden's incompetent Afghan withdrawal plan that needlessly cost the lives of 13 members of the U.S. military.
  8. So now Joe Biden and the Democrats want to kill red state Covid patients by cutting monoclonal antibody shipments to those states.
  9. Headline from the medical publication PUBMED.gov dated Feb., 2021 is as follows, "A five- day course of ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19 may reduce the duration of illness".
  10. Never before had mail in voting been used to the extent that it was allowed in the 2020 election. Even the Democrats beloved President Jimmy Carter in 2005 said, "Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud" when discussing the conclusions reached by the 2005 bi-partisan Commission on Federal Election Reform.
  11. Wonder when Joe Biden will reach a settlement with Tera Reade, the woman Senate staffer, that he sexually molested in the U.s. Capitol Building in 1993?
  12. I don't think anything could ever cause me to cry for Gen. Mark Milley nor Bob Woodward since I despise both of them.
  13. Sorry the truth bothers you so much. I guess that's because you don't get much of it in Russia, comrade Golfer.
  14. Your mind is too simple to explain anything. Without Democrat talking points and your propaganda blogs you would have nothing to say. It is difficult to rig numerous U.S. House elections because they are locally controlled by each voting district. It is easier to rig statewide elections by inflating the vote totals in Democrat controlled large cities. That is exactly what Democrats did in the 2020 election. And it was mail in voting that allowed them to inflate Democrat vote totals in those cities.
  15. If you are tired of responding to my comments then STFU, comrade Golfer.
  16. The cost of living across the whole nation is rising because of the Democrats insane economic policies, little Russian agent.
  17. You fucking idiots are so mentally deranged that you would be laughable if your insanity weren't so dangerous.
  18. You mean the Afghans can't vote legally in Canada. In the U.S. if Democrats get their way all the Afghan refugees and all the illegal immigrants crossing our southern border will be voting in our 2022 and 2024 elections, either legally or illegally.
  19. Maybe you'll have a fair election. Not sure anyone will trust the election process in the U.S. anymore. I'm tired of politics for the day. TIME TO WATCH "OH_HOLLY" ON CHATURBATE. SHE'S COLUMBIAN/CANADIAN FROM OTTAWA, CANADA.
  20. Since the population in the U.S. with the lowest percentage of vaccinations is Black people it sounds like you are calling African Americans our nation's attackers. But that's what I would expect from a liberal progressive racist like you.
  21. Mail in votes are what defeated Trump and elected Biden. All of the things I listed above and many other provisions that make cheating easier are part of the Democrats voting rights bill that they are trying to force through Congress.
  22. Do you have early voting, mail in ballots, same day voter registration and voting, and no requirement to show an ID when voting?
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