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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Wonder if Obama was instructing Trudeau on how to steal an election?
  2. Actually, I hope Trudeau wins. Would be fitting punishment for all you Canadians who supported Joe Biden in our presidential election.
  3. Birds of a feather flock together. Actually, I think Canada deserves both Trudeau and Obama.
  4. A bit late for that. Milley will be testifying before Congress shortly, so lets see whether Milley is guilty of a crime or if Bob Woodward's book is fiction.
  5. Didn't hear you say that about Ashli Babbitt, you phony dishonest fuckhead. And she wasn't even armed.
  6. Sounds like Milley was the insane man. Only a very mentally unstable individual would believe that Trump would start a war with China.
  7. Only if illegal aliens are allowed to vote. Which is what Democrats are trying to make possible with their voting rights bill and as a part of the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill.
  8. And any Black person who is politically conservative is a White Supremacist.
  9. Once the Covid-19 crisis ends the Democrats will use the manufactured climate change crisis to impose more mandates upon the American people.
  10. No, according to Critical Race Theory the White cop is a racist just because he is White. According to CRT all White people are racist just because they are White.
  11. And Gen. Milley did not consult with the Secretary of Defense nor the Secretary of State before calling the Chinese general.
  12. Milley saved democracy by conspiring with a Chinese Communist military general? Sounds more like insubordination and treason to me.
  13. Joe Biden is now promoting all the far left socialist policies he said he was against during the presidential campaign while the corrupt news media portrayed him as a moderate Democrat.
  14. Even the Democrat's big hero retired Lt.Col. Alexander Vindman says Gen. Mark Milley must resign if Milley's actions as described in the Bob Woodward book are true.
  15. The national press are the only ones interested in this book because the national press are a bunch of Trump hating liberal progressives. Most sane people in this country know the book is just another attempt by the establishment media to trash Trump. What is this blockbuster book number 1000 that will be forgotten within two months just like all the other anti-Trump propaganda books? The Biden White House and the Pentagon are already contradicting Woodward's account of General Milley's behavior, so either General Milley acted beyond his constitutional authority or Bob Woodward lied about Gen. Milley's actions. By trying to make Mark Milley look like a hero Woodward has either gotten Gen.Milley into serious legal trouble, or Woodward has destroyed his own credibility as an honest journalist. I love it when liberals destroy each other!
  16. There is no such thing as the debt ceiling because anytime these stupid politicians want to spend more money they just raise the fucking ceiling. It's all a big joke until the day the national debt causes the economy to totally collapse.
  17. Only an idiot liberal progressive would believe that a Black man is a White supremacist. LMAO You people definitely are loony.
  18. If Gen. Milley did what he is accused of doing he needs to be court-martialed and then tried for treason. You people on the left are totally insane and a danger to democracy and the U.S. Constitution.
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