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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. When I was in college I had a roommate who was a brilliant mathematician working on a masters degree but he couldn't spell shit. Only an elitist prick like you would belittle someone for their inability to spell.
  2. She must have learned how to spell in the same public school you attended.
  3. No, they follow Sharia Law. To stop you from spreading your lies they would probably cut your tongue out.
  4. But the Democrats control almost all elected offices in California so I have confidence that they will figure some way to keep Newsom in office even if he loses the vote.
  5. She's the minister of women and gender equality and calling the Taliban 'our brothers' ? Put her on a plane and send her to Afghanistan so that she can live with her Taliban brothers and see firsthand how they feel about her views on women and gender equality.
  6. If your PM is such an embarrassment why do Canadians keep electing him?
  7. In Afghanistan the Taliban beat women for not wearing a burka. In America Democrats beat people for not wearing masks.
  8. "Turning over election laws they don't like" is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do with the "For the People Act". They are trying to overturn the voting laws of all fifty states with one piece of legislation.
  9. No, I think you are a racist. That's what you say about any White person who disagrees with the policies of Black Democrats.
  10. Who gives a damn what a German has to say about how Americans conduct their elections. It's none of your fucking business.
  11. You say the Taliban can't be trusted but then you say we should honor the Taliban deadline for evacuating Americans and allies from Afghanistan because it's their country even though the Taliban are not allowing evacuees to get to the airport. So we should just leave on 8/31 and leave those people to the mercy of the Taliban?
  12. And the Republican leadership in Washington, D.C. is too fucking stupid to tell the American people exactly what is in the bill. That's why Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer make them look so impotent.
  13. Bad for Marxists like you and good for the people of California.
  14. Yeah, I want us all out. That includes American civilians and our Afghan allies that the Taliban will kill if we leave them there. We should tell the Taliban we will leave when all those people have been evacuated and not until they have all been evacuated. Afghanistan is the country of the Afghan people not the Taliban. Take away the Taliban's weapons and they would have almost no support from the Afghan people.
  15. But Canadians love socialism and free stuff too much to get rid of Trudeau.
  16. Here is the Newsweek headline just posted on MSN, " Greg Guttfeld Is King of Late Night as His Fox News Show Beats Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon".
  17. The Democrats Jesse Jackson and his wife are both in the hospital with Covid. Wonder if they were at Obama's birthday party?
  18. You mean the legislation that will make it legal for Democrats to steal elections?
  19. The L.A. Times has labeled the African American gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder a "white supremacist" while at the same time supporting the privileged White man Gavin Newsom for California governor.
  20. The racists Golfer and O_U812 will now have someone else to attack. Herschel Walker just announced that he is running for the U.S. Senate in Georgia.
  21. No, it's your "Green New Deal" that will regress society back to the stone age.
  22. So you want the mouths' of your political opponents sown up? Now I understand why you have no problem with the Taliban running Afghanistan. Not much difference between you and the Taliban is there?
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