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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. What do you expect from an ignorant brainwashed Russian agent? lol
  2. It will really be humorous in the 2022 election to see Democrats running in swing districts trying to convince voters that they are moderates after voting for all the the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist legislation put forward by Democrat members of the House and Senate. How do they explain away their voting records? 😉
  3. The Democrats have a big problem with the 2022 election because it is much more difficult to rig Congressional district elections than it is to rig a presidential or U.S. Senate election. In presidential elections all Democrats need to do is to inflate the vote totals in large Democrat run cities like they did in 2020 and thus deliver the states where those cities are located to the Democrat presidential or U.S. Senate candidate. However, in Congressional districts where there are no large Democrat run cities it is much more difficult for Democrats to inflate the Democrat vote totals.
  4. You don't need any help to show yourself up. It comes naturally for you.
  5. That's what viruses naturally do to survive. The original purpose of the lockdowns and mask wearing was to flatten the infection curve to keep our healthcare system from being overwhelmed. We have accomplished that with the vaccines. Time to go back to living our lives as normal human beings.
  6. So the only ones who need to be concerned are those not vaccinated, and nothing is stopping them from being vaccinated.
  7. Obey and bow to the supreme leader Nancy Pelosi. They're vaccinated, so they they don't need a mask, dumb fuck.
  8. "Sleepy Joe's" mind is going fast. Now he believes he used to drive an eighteen wheeler. I didn't know they made bicycles with eighteen wheels.
  9. Maybe boring, but the truth. Even your parents know you are a loser.
  10. You don't even own yourself. Your mommy and daddy still run your life because you can't support yourself, little snowflake.
  11. Biden has only been president since Jan., 2021. With all the spending Democrats plan on doing higher prices are coming your way. Plus, higher gasoline prices will add to the cost of everything that is transported. So even if you don't drive, higher gasoline prices will cause an increase in the prices of other products that you buy.
  12. And when is the Biden Administration going to mandate masks and vaccinations for illegal aliens coming into the U.S. across our southern border?
  13. Per a 7/29/2021 Newsweek story posted on MSN, "Doc Who Backed Hydroxychloroquine Files $100 million Defamation Suit Against CNN, Anderson Cooper".
  14. I hope you Canadians enjoy paying more for everything you import from the U.S. because of Democrat caused inflation.
  15. He has done the same with me several times. He posts something provocative and then when someone confronts him on it he denies that the post is what he believes. That's because he is a wimpy snowflake coward who doesn't have the courage to stand by his beliefs.
  16. Not very entertaining for you and the Democrats though as Fox News informs Americans about news that you and the Democrats don't want them to know. You and Democrats don't want Americans to know about the illegal immigration disaster that is taking place on our southern border. You and Democrats don't want Americans to know about rising consumer prices and the threat of hyper-inflation. You and Democrats don't want Americans to know about all the violent crimes being committed in Democrat run cities. Too bad Democrats can't control news media in the U.S. like news media is controlled by the Putin government in your beloved Russia, comrade Golfer.
  17. It's called democratic free elections which someone from Russia like you wouldn't understand, comrade Golfer.
  18. A more truthful cartoon would show Joe Biden and the Democrats holding onto the covid virus because it helped them to gain control over the lives of American citizens. Once the virus is gone the Democrats will need to create another crisis (maybe climate change?) in order to continue their control over people's lives.
  19. At least Nick is capable of original thoughts, which is impossible for you. Take away your Democrat talking points and you have nothing to say. That's why you resort to posting stories from far left internet blogs and childish videos.
  20. But how can you? You don't believe in owning guns, or was that just another one of your lies?
  21. So Liz Cheney is serious about getting all the facts? Does that mean we will finally learn who shot Ashli Babbitt and why Nancy Pelosi ignored numerous requests by Capitol Police for extra security at the Capitol Building several days before the Jan.6 Trump rally?
  22. And MSNBC and CNN are so fair and honest. You and the Democrats are just upset that Fox News is covering news and presenting facts that the Democrats and main stream news media don't want the American people to be aware of.
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