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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Putin would love the Stalinist tactics used by Democrats to shut up their political opponents.
  2. I didn't vote for him, dipshit. He's not in my district. Just because you and other Democrats illegally vote for people not in their district doesn't mean that everyone else does it.
  3. Looks like the little snowflake child O_U812 has found a nice new shiny toy to play with. He must be learning how to play cops and robbers. He probably wants to be a BLM looter when he plays.
  4. All 75,000,000+ Americans? That might take a lot of prisons. 😉
  5. Perfect description of the Democrat political strategy. Deflect from issues that American voters are concerned about.
  6. Per 7/27/2021 Washington Examiner headline posted on MSN, "Biden Won't Tamp Down the Hysteria Over Covid-19 Because It's All He Has".
  7. Kinsinger is nothing more than a useful idiot for Democrats and the news media. As soon as he is of no use to them anymore they will trash him and toss him aside just like they did John McCain and Mitt Romney.
  8. Enjoy your last days in the House, Adam. In the 2022 election Illinois voters are going to kick your ass out and replace you with a real Republican.
  9. Same old garbage this political hack idiot spouted during the two impeachment hearings.
  10. O_U812 ia a useful idiot for Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and all other countries who hate America and the freedom that America stands for.
  11. I guess they must like higher consumer prices, rising violent crime rates, and open borders immigration policies.
  12. The "stunt" was Nancy Pelosi not allowing Republican leadership to appoint Republican members of their choice to a Congressional committee which is the normal operating procedure in the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi is essentially operating as a dictator in the way she runs the House.
  13. The writers at the DailyKos are almost as stupid and dishonest as you, comrade Golfer.
  14. All 75,000,000 plus of us? Those people who voted for Trump and America are my heroes.
  15. A shower won't help you. The smell comes from your rotting brain and soul.
  16. Spoken like a true believer of Joseph Stalin. Authoritarianism and communism die hard in your country, right comrade Golfer?
  17. Very simple to explain, go check out how Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union and you will understand Stalinism.
  18. The only place the Jan. 6 committee is popular is with the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwellers. There will be no exposure of Republicans, just more lies and half truths put forward by people in Washington, D.C. and the news media who want to destroy Trump and his supporters.
  19. Officials who force children to wear covid masks should be charged with child abuse.
  20. The truth is that the American people couldn't care less about your stupid Jan.6 Committee. They're more concerned about violence in our cities, open borders immigration policies, and rising consumer prices. In fact, the reason the news media and Democrats are pushing the Jan.6 Committee is to avoid talking about the country's real problems.
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