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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. While you cite RawStory, Alternet, MSNBC and CNN as sources of facts. LMAO
  2. You are such a weak little coward that you don't even have the guts to claim ownership of things you post. Wow, what a spineless wimp you are.
  3. Fox News just presents facts you liberal progressive socialist/Marxist liars don't want to hear and don't want anyone else to hear. I'm sorry the truth upsets you so much.
  4. History for O_U812 only goes back to the day he was born. That's why he knows so little.
  5. No, it's not that we are right all the time, it's that you are wrong all the time.😉
  6. People charged with trespassing at the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 are spending more time in jail than are people charged with murder in Chicago.
  7. And the person who won the election is a conservative Republican who never criticized Trump during the campaign. The candidate supported by Trump was the widow of the deceased Congressman who did very little campaigning and fund raising. This story is nothing more than wishful thinking from a Trump hating writer at RawStory. Trump's pick was out campaigned and fund raised by her opponent. Plus, turnout for the election was less than 40,000 voters.
  8. You were probably one of ten people who watched the Jan.6 Committee hearing yesterday. Think Democrats and the news media can keep the Jan.6 and Covid-19 issues alive until November, 2021? Think Democrats and the news media can keep city violence, open borders immigration policies, higher taxes, and rising consumer prices hidden from American voters until after the election? I doubt it.
  9. Even though American voters elected them? I guess you believe Nancy Pelosi should not only have sole authority to decide who gets appointed to Congressional committees, but should also have authority to decide who is allowed to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives instead of American voters.
  10. And you are accusing Trump supporters of being violent? I'm sorry your father is ashamed of you, but that's not my problem, little boy.
  11. Abihit Naskar would probably consider you to be brain dead.😉
  12. Is Nancy Pelosi going to be subpoenaed to explain why she turned down numerous requests for extra security at the Capitol Building several days before the Jan.6 Trump rally?
  13. With your idea of reality you probably believe that professional wrestling is real. Although, professional wrestling is more real than the stories from left wing blogs that you post on here.
  14. Better stick to Canadian politics since you don't seem to know much about U.S. politics. "Ms. Greene is not even an elected official?" She was elected to the House from the 14th Congressional district of Georgia in Nov., 2020. Members of Congress can hold press conferences in front of any Federal agency building anytime they damn well please. In the U.S. we call that freedom of speech. Apparently you forgot the demonstration that Chuck Schumer took part in in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building. Keep your socialism in Canada, we don't want it in the U.S.
  15. You think it's funny that elected members of Congress are not even allowed to speak? And the people who ran them out of the presser were most likely staff members of Democrat politicians or employees of Federal agencies in Washington, D.C.
  16. On May 13,2021 Joe Biden said anyone who was vaccinated no longer needed to wear a mask. Today the CDC says even vaccinated people should to wear masks when in doors at public gatherings. And then they wonder why people aren't getting vaccinated?
  17. So you are proud of the fact that these protesters behaved like thugs? I hope the same thing happens the next time Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff holds a news conference.
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