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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. He probably heard Kamala Harris during the presidential campaign saying that she didn't trust any vaccine that was developed during the Trump presidency.
  2. Too bad O_U812 and Golfer can't move on and escape their Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  3. Yeah, watch the markets when the Fed is forced to raise interest rates in an attempt to slow down inflation. Beginning to look like a repeat of the 70s under Jimmy Carter. People will need to start wearing their WIN buttons again.
  4. So only Democrat presidents should be allowed to appoint Federal judges? Why don't you contact your member of Congress and see if they can include that rule in the "For The Democrats Act." Oops, I mean "For The People Act."
  5. Steve Schmidt, the Washington, D.C. swamp dwelling loser. The reason he is a FORMER Republican campaign consultant is because the candidates he consulted for lost their elections including the John McCain presidential campaign. John Schmidt and the word LOSER are synonymous.
  6. And she never gave any money to the Chinese Communist's Wuhan Lab to help develop the Covid-19 virus like Dr. Fauci did, either. That virus has killed 4 million people worldwide.
  7. Another distortion by you. It was not a Texas judge. It was a Federal District Court judge who happens to be located in Texas.
  8. Sorry, you don't make the rules here. You need to post articles because you have no thoughts of your own.
  9. I quote you "the U.S. doesn't have a clue as to how to deal with Cuba", so I guess that means we should follow the advice of you and your Russian government, right. You say the Cuban government should go while at the same time the U.S. should normalize relations with Cuba. If we normalize relations with Cuba we will be giving legitimacy to and strengthening the Communist Cuban government. The idea that normalizing relations with a Communist dictatorship will lead to freedom for the people under that dictatorship is a myth. We tried that strategy with China and the Communist government of China is now stronger than ever, and the American middle class is being destroyed as we send our high paying manufacturing jobs to China.
  10. And who determines what is disinformation, the Biden administration or their buddies at Twitter and FaceBook? Before the 2020 election a story by the New York Post about an FBI investigation of Hunter Biden was labeled disinformation and banned by social media. Later, that story was proven to be factual. Sounds like you want the media and information dissemination controlled by the government like it is in your beloved Russia, comrade Golfer.
  11. So the White House is just going to inform social media providers of misinformation about Covid posted to social media sites. How long before the the White House contacts social media providers about climate change, immigration, economics, voting rights, race issues, gun rights, and other political issues posts that they deem to be be misinformation? And the social media providers' remedy for disinformation is to delete the posts. Sounds a lot like government sponsored censorship to me.
  12. This will cost Planned Parenthood a lot of money as women decide to have babies for the extra money instead of terminating pregnancies with abortions.
  13. Until hyper inflation sets in and the money they are receiving becomes valueless.
  14. Was this photo taken five, six, or seven hours before the start of the rally?😉
  15. And now for some real meaningful news: A FEDERAL JUDGE HAS JUST RULED DACA UNCONSTITUTIONAL. There goes the Democrat plan for future Democrat voters.
  16. You are the one who made the original complaint about uncivil conversation on here. Appears you may be the one who is bi-polar.
  17. Explosive Interview!!!!!!!!!!! Another Bombshell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. When is BLM going to protest police brutality by Cuban police against protesters on the streets of Cuban cities in the same manner that they protest police brutality in the U.S.?
  19. Strange that BLM is so concerned about Cuba but has no concern about Black people dying everyday from violence in Democrat run U.S. cities.
  20. Notice how silent AOC and the "Squad" have been about the freedom demonstrations in Cuba?
  21. Patrisse Cullors the co-founder of BLM described herself and her fellow organizers in a 2015 video as "trained Marxists", so it is not surprising that BLM would support the Cuban Communist government.
  22. Just like the Cuban government backs the Cuban people's freedom of expression and assembly, right?
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