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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Nancy Pelosi, the dictator of the U.S. House of Representatives, behaving just like the past Soviet Communists that she admires so much.
  2. Kamala Harris in an interview during the presidential campaign said she would not take a vaccine recommended by President Trump. The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines were all recommended by Trump.
  3. Wonder when D.C. and Baltimore are going to issue street violence warnings for their cities?
  4. There is no bigger fraud in Congress than the Chinese Communist government's puppet Eric Swalwell. He is an expert at projection. He accuses everyone else of what he and the the other slime bag Adam Schiff are guilty of.
  5. In addition to the Disney channel you can watch it 24/7 on CNN and MSNBC.😏
  6. You mean the land opposite of Russian propaganda and lies, comrade Golfer?
  7. He's been saying the same thing ever since the vaccines were developed. If you didn't have so much shit in your ears you could have heard him.
  8. As a Russian agent spreading lies and disinformation is how Golfer operates. But unfortunately for Putin the light bulb in Golfer's brain is not that bright.
  9. No, the Chinese Communist government caused the deaths by inventing the Covid-19 virus and then by purposely releasing the virus upon the world population.
  10. No, dumb ass, my ancestors came here as legal immigrants. There is a big difference between legal and illegal immigration. You are such a simple minded dumb fuck. I guess that's the result of years of indoctrination in Russian government run schools.
  11. Just a continuation of Biden's corrupted DOJ being used to prosecute political opponents. American government run by Joseph Biden is beginning to look a lot like the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.
  12. If the girls didn't provide you benefits would you still keep them as friends?
  13. The people you want to force to pay reparations had absolutely nothing to do with slavery in America. Your answer is one of the dumbest and most illogical answers I have ever heard.
  14. What does forcing people to pay reparations for something they were not responsible for have to do with erasing history?
  15. It has to do with the left's push to have present day Americans pay reparations for the past sin of slavery committed by their ancestors.
  16. My ancestors didn't come to the U.S. until the early 1900s. Slavery in the U.S. ended in the 1860s. And sorry, but I don't have a 38 yr-old Chaturbate GF. And how are all your imaginary girlfriends doing?
  17. I see where Russia has developed a new supersonic fighter jet. The money they receive from higher oil prices and the gas exports to Germany should help the Russians to build more of the jets. So in essence Angela Merkel and Joe Biden are helping Putin to build supersonic fighter jets. Just as our trade deficit with China helps the Chinese to build their military.
  18. And the vast majority of those Covid-19 deaths occurred before there were any vaccines or effective treatments for the disease. I challenge you to compare those statistics a year from now.
  19. I love it when liberal progressives fight with each other on national tv as was the case when Brian Stelter interviewed Michael Wolff on Stelter's CNN program.
  20. Check out the name Hamilton Brown on Google and see what you find, little boy. Read the July1, 2019 story by AMERICAN RENAISSANCE entitled, "Slave Registers from London Name the Slaves Kamala Harris' Ancestor Owned".
  21. Jim Jordan will destroy the lying Democrats with real facts and tough questions about what actually happened on Jan. 6, 2021.
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