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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. With the way this article is written, you call this news? It's an editorial comment presented by someone who has a political agenda. That must be an example of what you called real news in Pravda during the time of the Soviet Union, comrade Golfer.
  2. When you are called out for your lies, again you resort to childish behavior.😉
  3. What the American people should really fear is that this lunatic Mark Milley runs our military. Maybe that's why we are no longer able to win wars.
  4. Spoken like a true communist sympathizer. Nice attempt by you to spread communist propaganda. Sorry, but it won't work, comrade Golfer.
  5. That must be the fence on our southern border stopping illegal aliens from voting in U.S. elections.
  6. Another big disinformation lie by you. The info was purposely leaked by the Kremlin. Go to Google and check out the story. The headline in almost every story by numerous sources starts out with the phrase "Leaked Kremlin documents" or "Leaked Kremlin papers".
  7. From real news sources. You should try reading, listening and watching them sometime, you might learn something.
  8. So why is the headline in the Guardian that the info was leaked by the Kremlin, liar?
  9. The best way for Republicans to fight the "For The People Act" is to tell the American people in detail exactly what is in the bill. Unfortunately, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are too fucking dumb to understand that.
  10. Since you brought up the subject of kitchens here is what a Democrat president said of kitchens when speaking about politics. Harry Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Maybe you should take his advice.
  11. Today BLM showed their true colors and that color is not Black. It is red, communist red. They are supporting the Cuban Communist government against the Cuban citizens demonstrating for freedom.
  12. By leaking papers that are intended to damage Trump it appears that the Kremlin is attempting to interfere in the 2022 and 2024 elections in favor of Democrats and Joe Biden. Wonder is there is any collusion going on between Biden and the Kremlin? Sounds like we need a Special Counsel to investigate "Sleepy Joe's " ties to the Kremlin.
  13. All of a sudden the Democrats and the U.S. news media who condemned Russia all through the Trump presidency are now accepting as gospel truth papers leaked by the Kremlin about President Trump. LMAO
  14. "Sleepy Joe" is giving a news conference with Angela Merkel. Again Joe's words say one thing and his actions say the exact opposite.
  15. Because posting stories is all you are capable of doing. You have no ability to think nor analyze posted stories. You keep waiting for "experts" to tell you what you should think.
  16. Okay, Putin wants Biden to be reelected because he knows Joe is weak, feeble and mentally impaired which will make it easier for Putin to push his global agenda. Putin fears Trump and wants to make sure he does not get reelected in 2024.
  17. Hey, Tom J Chicago, what is really criminal is all the innocent people who are killed everyday in Chicago by gang thugs who Democrat prosecutors will not prosecute.
  18. You are the one who brought up the leaked Kremlin papers, not me. Info in the papers damage Trump,so what is your explanation for why Putin would release info damaging Trump if Putin wants Trump to defeat Biden in 2024? Sounds to me like Putin wants Biden to win in 2024.
  19. Why would Putin want drama that damages Trump and helps Biden if Putin wants Trump to be president in 2024?
  20. Can't handle logical conclusions when they don't fit your agenda, can you? You have no ability to analyze and reason, all you do is spout the talking points of your so called experts. It's sad what our public schools have done to the minds of our children. The schools are turning out people who have absolutely no ability to formulate original thoughts.
  21. No doubt Hillary can lie like O_U812 since that is sop for Democrats.
  22. If Putin truly wanted Trump to be President of the United States why would he now be leaking information that is damaging to Trump and that will help Joe Biden to be reelected in 2024?
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