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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Dream on, little snowflake. I don't think the Democrats' socialist/Marxist big government policies are going to go over too well with middle class suburban voters. Plus,the Democrats are loosing support from Black and Hispanic voters. Biden and the Democrats' failure to strongly support the protesters in Cuba will also hurt Democrats with the Cuban population in Florida.
  2. You got my comment ass backwards as is normal for you. I didn't say the Stock Market effects the economy. I said the Stock Market reflects what is going on in the economy.
  3. In a couple more hours Golfer should be rolling out of his Moscow bed and joining the thread. It's 8:06 am Moscow time right now.😏
  4. The ex-police chief of Detroit announced tonight that he is running for governor against the present governor of Michigan Empress Whitmer.
  5. After "Sleepy Joe's" appearance on CNN tonight is there any doubt that the man is cognitively impaired?
  6. The Trump virus? A more correct name for the virus is the Fauci/Chinese Communist engineered virus.
  7. What's it matter to you? You said the DOW has nothing to do with the economy, and you for sure don't have any money invested in the Stock Market.
  8. Just wait and see what those so called accomplishments do to our country.
  9. That's exactly how I feel about what you want to talk about, little snowflake.😏
  10. Those are not accomplishments. Those are disasters for America.
  11. You may not be talking about the 9th district, but I am, little boy. You don't get to decide what I talk about.
  12. But he missed his vaccination goal and you left out the increases in retail prices. Biden didn't create 3 million jobs. Most of the 3 million jobs were people returning to jobs they held previous to the pandemic shutting down the businesses where they worked. Stimulus checks, Child tax credits and State and local aid are just another step toward socialism.
  13. And the map shows that the 9th district was cut out to help the Democrat to win, but you don't have a problem with that do you?
  14. No hate in my comment. Just the truth that you can't handle. You are the one with a deep-seated hate of Donald Trump. Where does you hate come from? I think I know, but I won't say.
  15. But no Democrats represent districts like that, right? The Ohio 9th district with the Democrat Congresswoman looks a bit weird too. Don't hear you complaining about that district.
  16. That commission would have been no more bi-partisan than this committee will be. It would have been a Democrat run sham too.
  17. Jim Jordan was elected by Ohio voters and appointed to the committee according to the rules of the House.
  18. Nancy just wants token wimpy powerless Republicans on the committee, so that she can claim that the investigation was bi-partisan.
  19. It's not truly bi-partisan if Nancy Pelosi decides who the Republicans are on the committee. Her action just proves that the committee is a sham and a witch hunt, and another Stalinist style show trial to to smear Trump and his supporters just like the impeachment hearings were.
  20. If that is true why does Nancy Pelosi only have a 38% approval rating with the American people?
  21. The Democrats should just go ahead and write their committee report and not waste our time with a sham investigation. Witnesses should refuse to appear before the committee because the investigation is a partisan witch hunt.
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