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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But you made a big deal about an unarmed march in Philadelphia by a group of White supremacists, but had absolutely nothing to say about a bunch of heavily armed non-White people in a stand off with Massachusetts state police. Why the double standard?
  2. Not really, I've also accused you, the little blonde haired White boy, of living off unemployment and welfare benefits. Is that also racist?
  3. Now you too are posting propaganda stories from ALTNET.ORG? Max Boot writes editorials for the Washington Post. There are no real conservatives who write for the Washington Post, period. Max Boot is just another member of the Washington, D.C. establishment.
  4. Notice how Golfer and O_U812 have had nothing to say about the 11 heavily armed individuals who were involved in a stand off with the Massachusetts State Police. Could it be because the Moorish American group of armed individuals were not White?
  5. Sounds like Golfer is about to crack. Hurry with that straight jacket.
  6. I have to admit the first video did look inviting. That would be an ass worth exploring. 😉
  7. You are about ready to join O_U812 in a straight jacket and a padded cell.
  8. And your anal fixation continues. Yep, Vlad definitely needs to get you some help, comrade Golfer.
  9. Now you are beginning to sound like a deranged lunatic. Vlad might need to get you some therapy. lol
  10. You mean a Russian invented reality built upon propaganda and lies?
  11. It is you who is obsessed with people's assholes, not me . Your posts continually demonstrate that fact.
  12. It is you who puts up pictures because you have no thoughts of your own. Such immature and childish behavior from you, comrade Golfer.
  13. More propaganda put forth by the Russian agent who hates everything about America including the U.S. Constitution that grants American citizens rights that Russian citizens could only dream of.
  14. Actually, I've been fully vaccinated with one of the covid-19 vaccines developed during the Trump presidency. Maybe you could use the bleach since Russia doesn't have a vaccine that works. For you I suggest drinking an undiluted gallon jug.
  15. Shoplifters who are not prosecuted by corrupt liberal progressive prosecutors.
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