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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Another example of how you lie and distort. An infrastructure bill should be about infrastructure, period. If you want to spend money on health and education write a separate bill that deals with health and education. But that's a favorite trick used by Democrats. They put all kinds of pet project spending that has nothing to do with infrastructure into an infrastructure bill and then when Republicans oppose that unrelated spending Democrats complain to the news media that Republicans oppose infrastructure spending. Democrats in Congress are such slimy deceitful people.
  2. Steve Schmidt just perfectly described himself. No wonder John McCain lost the presidential campaign that Schmidt ran. If I were Kevin McCarthy I would consider any criticism from Schmidt as confirmation that I was doing a good job for the American people. Steve Schmidt is a Washington, D.C. swamp dwelling establishment Rino hack political operative who is upset because Trump and American voters were able to rescue the Republican Party from losers like Steve Schmidt. Oh yeah, the SES after Steve Schmidt's name stands for Seriously Evil Scoundrel.
  3. Poor little snowflake. I would tell you to run home to your daddy, but I know he doesn't want you around. 😏
  4. Especially when it is people like you and the Democrats presenting the lies and fantasies to Americans as truths. I feel a need to call out those lies and fantasies.
  5. Most propaganda includes some truths to make the included lies and distortion of facts believable. That's precisely what almost all the articles you post on this blog do.
  6. Sounds like you are totally consumed with a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Don't they have any good psychiatrists in Moscow to give you some help?
  7. If your hearing is fine then it must be a problem with your brain not being able to correctly understand what you hear.
  8. Don't worry, you are too deeply indoctrinated for any kind of psychology to work on you. You are best described as a lost cause.
  9. I matter to me and that's all that is important. What you going to do when you realize that you don't matter to the people who run the Democratic Party?
  10. Same thing you were talking about when you asked me if I knew Hunter Biden personally.
  11. You should know, that's what you and the Democrats do. Of course, the dishonest prick Michael Beschloss failed to explain that Trump was describing his enemies' behavior when he made the comment. But that's the type lying and distorting I expect from you liberal progressive Democrats.
  12. I see you made it on the thread about an hour earlier today. Online around 10:00am Moscow time rather than 11:00am, comrade Golfer.😏
  13. The truth is just fine with me. It's your lies and distortions of the truth that bothers me.
  14. So says the indoctrinated brainwashed fool who worships at the feet of the ruthless dictator Vladimir Putin.
  15. Dear traitor? You mean Hunter's father who will sell us out to the Communist Chinese government?
  16. I see your buddy O_U812 finally ended up in the straight jacket and padded cell.
  17. That's because you'll need them for your own tears when the Democrats get wiped out in the election.
  18. I don't believe you are able think anything. You just repeat a bunch of liberal progressive socialist/Marxist talking points like a little programmed robot.
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