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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But if they want no part of the Democrat's' liberal progressive socialist/Marxist reality what happens then?
  2. LOL Another attempt to rewrite history by Putin's little agent.😏
  3. That's right. No matter how many lies you tell the truth is the truth.
  4. Because they know the investigation will be just as biased and unfair as were the impeachment hearings.
  5. So after the Democrats put President Trump and all his family members in prison what do they plan to do with the 75 million people who voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election?
  6. Propaganda, propaganda and more propaganda. I think comrade Golfer holds a grudge against President Reagan because Reagan brought the Soviets to their knees and caused the Soviet Union to dissolve.
  7. . Who cares what you stated. Just because you and the Democrats call it an insurrection for political benefit does not mean that it was an insurrection. It was a disorganized riot by a bunch of idiots.
  8. You post what you want and I post what I want. I know that concept is alien to your Russian culture but that's how we do things in America.
  9. I thought you just wanted to talk about politics and stop the personal attacks and name calling.
  10. So it's MY capital that was attacked, but not yours? Um, that's an interesting statement, comrade Golfer.
  11. And you show your level of ignorance and dishonesty every time you post a comment.
  12. What Trump's sons said is true. This investigation is politically motivated. If Donald Trump had not run for and been elected president these Democrat prosecutors would have never started this investigation.
  13. Actual news? Everything you post is from left wing propaganda blogs. That may qualify as news reporting in Russia, but not in the U.S., comrade Golfer.
  14. You mean like the pretty pictures of people and animals shitting that you post?
  15. And you say things and then deny that you said them. Truth is that I proved you wrong with your own words and you can't handle having your deceit exposed.
  16. You didn't need to page back. I posted a quote of your comment for you, and you still deny what you said.
  17. You really are dumb. How could I quote the comment he made if I didn't read it?
  18. The so called bi-partisan commission would have been another Washington, D.C. establishment run sham investigation just like this committee investigation will be.
  19. I did document it. How do you think Happy was able to find it and post the article? Told you I don't post articles.
  20. If you didn't say the 1/6 commission will get their first indictment. What did you say?
  21. If you already know the hearing is going to produce indictments before the hearing has even started that proves the hearing is a sham. Sounds like the way Stalin's henchmen use to conduct show trials.
  22. And the Obama administration would not allow Americans who were involved in the Benghazi attack to testify before any of those hearings.
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