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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Glad to see that Golfer listened to Happy and is behaving in such a civil manner.
  2. It's beginning to look like there's cheating going on in the Democratic primary election for mayor of New York City. I guess the "woke" liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats who run the city don't want a law and order candidate to win the primary.
  3. In the Olympics if women athletes inject male hormones they are disqualified from competition, but transgender women whose bodies naturally produce male hormones are allowed to compete against other women. Is that fair?
  4. Prediction: The Manhattan DA will not charge Donald Trump with any crimes.
  5. Sorry, but there is a difference between legal and illegal immigration. Melania came to the U.S. as a legal immigrant in 1996 and is now an American citizen. People who just walk across our southern border are here illegally, period. Your statement that Trump did not pay his taxes is a lie. He and his corporations are audited by the IRS every year. If he had not paid or cheated on the tax returns the IRS would have levied his bank accounts, seized assets, or brought criminal charges against him long ago.
  6. You mean like your talk about saggy balls and accusing people of using drugs, being racists and sexists? Sounds like the little snowflake likes to dish it out but can't take it.
  7. Wow, looks like I struck a nerve with the little snowflake. Still don't understand why your parents haven't kicked you out of their home.
  8. Your father must feel like a failure when he looks at you and sees what you've become.
  9. The mainstream news media has essentially abandoned any in person coverage of Donald Trump to make it easier for them to spread their fabricated lies about him. Now they may need to abandon their in person coverage of Joe Biden to keep Americans from seeing the truth about Joe.
  10. Trouble in Democrat paradise as the Marxist wing of the party is upset with the infrastructure deal agreed to by "Sleepy Joe"? So which side will Pelosi side with?
  11. RawStory's definition of sabotage is minority members who have enough guts to expose and denounce the lies that will be told by Democrat and Rino Republican members on the committee.
  12. Good to see him going after everyone in the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp regardless of party affiliation. McConnell and Biden were buddies when Joe was a senator, and Barr and Robert Mueller are close friends.
  13. Any infighting going on in Moscow with Putin and his fellow government thugs, comrade Golfer?
  14. Our U.S. Transportation Secretary said that some of our highways are racist. Sounds to me like his husband must have thrust a little too hard while Pete was sucking him off the other night and damaged Pete's brain.😏
  15. No, the Democrats will run someone who claims to be a moderate and wants to go to Washington to work with Republicans for the American people. LMAO. Sorry, but I don't think that lie will work anymore, that's why Democrats lost so many House seats in the 2020 election. The lie worked for Democrats in the 2018 election, but no more.
  16. Your grandiose evaluation of your own intellect is laughable. If you only knew how simple minded you actually are. You are the biggest gaslighter on this thread. You continually tell us the ANTIFA and BLM rioters and looters we see with our own eyes don't exist. You tell us the illegal aliens we see crossing our southern border with our own eyes don't exist. You tell us Joe Biden's obvious signs of dementia which we see and hear with our own eyes and ears almost everyday don't exist. You are such a phony and a fraud and so full of yourself, you little diaper wearing snowflake child.
  17. But the 2022 elections will not be decided by one national election. There will be 435 separate elections to determine control of the House, and there are 34 senate seats to be decided in 34 separate elections in 34 states. Even Democrat voters rejected Bernie Sanders in the Democrat presidential primaries because they thought his liberal progressive socialist/Marxist policies were too radical. And now Biden is trying to push Bernie's radical policies thru Congress. Democrats will not do well in the swing districts because voters will no longer believe their lies about being moderate Democrats just like they no longer believe the lie Joe Biden told about being a moderate and not being a socialist. Actions speak louder than words, and Democrats' actions in Washington, D.C. have proven that they are radical leftists.
  18. No, it's an obvious reality that everyone can see and you want to gaslight about. Sorry, but his problems will just continue to get worse. That's the nature of the disease.
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