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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Sorry that I made you cry, comrade. Maybe Putin can wipe your tears away and sing you a lullaby to make you feel safe from an evil freedom loving and communist hating American.
  2. The Angry Staffer at the Biden White House is too much of a coward to give his, her or its name on his, her or its Twitter account.
  3. Actually, I've been laughing at your ineptness and childish responses to my comments.
  4. Thanks for proving my point, comrade Golfer. Better improve your English or Putin will replace you as his agent and give you a new residence in Siberia.😏
  5. At least he didn't fall down three times within a ten second period of time like "Sleepy Joe" did.
  6. Looks like Golfer used up all the English words he knows so he needs to post videos or start posting comments in Russian.😏
  7. That third video looks like Joe Biden going up the steps to AirForce One.
  8. You're boring. What you don't understand is that I would despise Democrats even if Donald Trump had never been born.
  9. Democrats need to remember what happened to them the last time they blew up the filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate. It was done by Harry Reid in order to force thru confirmation of Obama's judicial appointments. That brilliant piece of strategy by the Democrats allowed Donald Trump to appoint three Supreme Court justices and a record number of judges to the Federal Courts.
  10. AOC is not intelligent enough to lay waste to any rationale. AOC's biggest problem is that her mouth is larger than her brain.
  11. You don't earn enough money to buy gold coins. The only way you would have a collection of pure gold coins would be if you looted them from a coin shop during one of the ANTIFA riots you participated in.
  12. That's the type response I would expect from an immature child like you.
  13. Dream on. Red wave coming in 2022. Democrats have finally shown the American people who they really are and all their lies about be moderates during the election campaigns won't work for them this time. Democrats have allowed their socialist/Marxist genie out of the bottle and there is no putting it back.
  14. I did last night after taking a shower. They're perfectly dry right now. Too bad you have no balls to dry off, little feminine snowflake.
  15. And O_U812's obsession with Donald Trump continues. To be that obsessed Trump must remind the little snowflake of his daddy.
  16. I was thinking the exact same thing about you, little snowflake.
  17. And in the 2022 Republican primary election in Illinois Adam Kinzinger will be a big time loser.
  18. That's because you've been brainwashed with so much liberal progressive socialist/Marxist propaganda that you have no idea what reality is anymore.
  19. No, because they're not saggy and they don't fall in. You don't need to worry about that happening to you either, because you have no balls to fall into the toilet.
  20. Watch out that train just may run over little liberal progressive snowflakes like you in the 2022 and 2024 elections.
  21. Three of their five starting pitchers are on the disabled list including their #1 starting pitcher.
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