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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You are boring. I think you need another English class, comrade Golfer. You need to expand your English vocabulary in order to be an effective propagandist for Putin.
  2. That in fact is what Republicans are doing right now by using the filibuster to keep Democrats from totally corrupting our election process with the misnamed "For The People Act".
  3. In that case I hope a bunch of the illegal aliens crossing our southern border end up in Canada.
  4. The Democrats consider the filibuster such a terrible thing that they only used it 314 times when Trump was president.
  5. Nope, not until I force you into a straight jacket and a padded cell.
  6. Since when are California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Michigan considered part of the South?
  7. Does it matter what they find? Even if they find obvious evidence of fraud the establishment will ignore it.
  8. 99% of the time it is the Democrats' fault. That's why I don't trust and don't support them.😏
  9. It is the authoritarian governors of the Democratic Party that used the covid-19 crisis to dominate the lives of American citizens, not Republican governors. The governor of your state is a perfect example of a dictatorial authoritarian governor.
  10. Chucky Boy needs to act tough because he knows AOC is going after his Senate seat in the 2022 primary election. Needs to put on a good show for the far left wing wack jobs of the Democratic Party.
  11. Why don't they just write the report right now and save the money since we already know what the Democrat Select Committee is going to conclude, just like we knew what the two sham impeachment committees were going to do before they even started their investigations.
  12. And people also lie about things to promote their own political agenda.
  13. Because the contents of the " For The People Act" have been misrepresented to the public by the Democrats and the news media. Unfortunately, the Republican leadership has done a poor job of informing Americans about what the bill really does.
  14. The only way a loser like you could remove me from MY COUNTRY is if I'm in a coffin.
  15. If the law hasn't been released to the public how did the people who wrote the article you posted know what was in the law?
  16. So why are 84% of non White Americans in favor of a voter photo ID requirement?
  17. That's an opinion about the law, not a copy of the actual law. The Secretary of State being removed from the election board is Republican. As for restrictive voting rules, the voting laws of Joe Biden's home state of Delaware are much more restrictive than the voting laws of Georgia.
  18. More bull shit and propaganda from you. So why do 80% of American voters support voter photo ID requirement?
  19. There's nothing to look up because the legislation making it possible for Republicans to overturn elections does not exist. How can I look up something that does not exist?
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