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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Same type of misguided naive weak mind set as Chamberlain. The same type of mind set that caused Obama to do nothing meaningful when Putin invaded and annexed Crimea.
  2. Probably more like 60,000,000 legal mistakes (votes) plus 21,000,000 illegal votes.
  3. So why do I see video of immigrants crossing the border every night on Fox News? Now you are gaslighting by telling me not to believe what I see with my own eyes. The reason Kamala Harris has not gone to the border is because she knows the news media will follow her there and might reveal to the American people how bad the illegal immigration problem on our southern border really is.
  4. So that means Ted Cruz has legitimate Hispanic heritage where as Beto O'Rourke who pretends to be Hispanic has absolutely no Hispanic heritage. Both of Beto's parents have Irish heritage. Ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. And you keep ignoring the fact that the vast majority of violent crimes in this country are committed by Blacks against other Blacks and that they occur in cities Democrats have run for fifty years or more.
  6. Until everyone understands that the stuff you post are left wing propaganda and not real unbiased news articles.
  7. What do you know about paying bills, since your parents still pay all of yours, little boy?
  8. So we need to pass gun laws that will take guns away from people who obey laws in order to protect us from gun violence by people who don't obey laws. That sounds like typical liberal progressive Democrat logic.
  9. Yep, it's all the gun's fault. The people who commit the crimes are completely innocent because the gun made them do it. Just like people who loot stores are not responsible for their actions because the White racist society in the U.S. made them do it.
  10. Citing an editorial from the Los Angeles Times about American politics is like citing an editorial from Pravda about Russian politics. You know which side the editorial is going to support before you even start reading.
  11. The prosecutors finally found someone who would tell the court the fairy tales prosecutors want to hear. What did they do, threaten to put his whole family in prison if he didn't cooperate? I wonder how long they kept him in solitary confinement before he agreed to cooperate? Typical tactics that Andrew Weissmann used when he was at the DOJ.
  12. And the general showed that he has no idea what Critical Race Theory is. The general thinks it is just "diversity training". He doesn't understand that that CRT is part of a Marxist plan to undermine U.S. stability by turning the races in America against each other and to totally denigrate the principles upon which the country was founded.
  13. I read the name of the source for the article and that's enough to tell me to not waste my time reading anymore of it.
  14. But on the channels you watch if it doesn't fit their political agenda they don't consider it news. That's why there are no stories on those channels about the Biden family's illegal overseas business deals.
  15. No, after years of watching Democrat politicians I know how they think.
  16. Someone needs to inform people about what you deceiving conniving Russians are doing.😉
  17. Thought you believed in democracy, elitist Russian asshole. What you really mean is that you and Putin would have preferred Beto, right?
  18. We are definitely a waste to your Russian cause and proud of it, comrade Golfer.
  19. We? You and O_U812, that's the extent of the we. And no one cares about the opinions of of you nor O_U812.
  20. And on the channels you watch there are no videos of groups of migrants illegally crossing our southern border 24/7.
  21. The left wing propaganda articles that you post are insults in and of themselves.
  22. That's exactly how Neville Chamberlain felt about WW2. So to copy Chamberlain's strategy we should just ignore and appease Russian and Chinese aggression, right? Did that strategy prevent WW2?
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