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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Vindman was a key witness in Trump's first impeachment trial who had no firsthand knowledge of anything he testified to.
  2. I post to communicate my thoughts. I don't really care whether anyone likes or dislikes them.
  3. You're the fool who posted videos of people and animals shitting, not me. So who is the one who needs help?
  4. You need to PM O_U812, he forgot to give you a "like" for the comment.
  5. More of your childish videos because you have nothing of your own.
  6. You mean I should post videos of people and animals shitting like you and Golfer do?
  7. That's the best you got? Your mind really is limited. I guess that's a result of the subpar education you received in our public school system.
  8. Hell, you are so ass backwards that you probably tee off with a putter and putt with a driver when playing golf.
  9. Why would I want to waste my time watching and reading liberal progressive propaganda? I see enough of that on mainstream tv and in mainstream newspapers.
  10. At least I'm not a Russian agent claiming to live in Tennessee. Although, you do sound almost as dumb as Al Gore. But then, Al Gore and Russian agents have a lot in common since both hate America.
  11. Better start posting in Russian, you just keep repeating the few English words you know.😏
  12. No, you are mistaken. I didn't support Barack Obama and I don't support Joe Biden.
  13. And for the 2 millionth time you just repeated the same bullshit you have been spouting since day one on this thread. Your comments are repetitive and boring.
  14. No, that means I believe in individual freedom and a prosperous economy for all citizens with limited government involvement in people's lives. Something a government loving Marxist like you wouldn't understand.
  15. What you don't understand, little Russian fool, is that I supported Trump not because I agreed with his political and economic philosophy, but because he agreed with my political and economic philosophy. If some other politician comes along who believes in what I believe in and shows he has to the courage to take on the Washington, D.C. establishment as Trump did I will support that candidate. Trump is not my leader, he is my vehicle to implement policies for America that I believe in.
  16. Democrats continually talk about race issues in a futile attempt to keep enlightened African-American voters on the Democrat Party plantation. Black people in this country are beginning to realize that Democrat politicians have been using Black voter support for decades to stay in power without ever solving any of the problems in Black communities. In the 2020 election Democrats lost part of that Black support to Republican candidates. That scared the hell out of Democrat leaders, thus Biden and the rest of the Democrat Party believe they need to push the race issue 24/7.
  17. When are you and Putin going to end the enslavement of Russian citizens?
  18. I just post comments. You are the fool who is yelling and losing control. You need to calm down or else you are going to end up in that straight jacket and padded cell.
  19. That type of propaganda and history rewriting may work in Russia, but I don't think you can get away with it in the U.S., little ass kissing ignorant Russian Putin puppet.
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