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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You are the one obsessed with Trump's dick, that's all you talk about.
  2. Putin needs to find some new cartoons for you, Comrade Golfer. They're becoming boring.
  3. James Comey and Loretta Lynch failed to prosecute HRC for all the obvious crimes that she had committed.
  4. Prior to the pandemic our economy was booming, and it was well on its way to recovering from the damage caused by the pandemic before Trump left office. If Democrat politicians would allow the economy to reopen it would recover on it's own. Higher taxes and wasteful government spending are not the answer to building a strong economy. Right now we have 9 million job openings in the country, so there is no need for federal supplemental unemployment benefits.
  5. But Kamala is the same loser now that she was in the presidential primaries. Nothing about her has changed.
  6. But it is you who has no ideas of your own. That's why you revert to posting childish cartoons.
  7. That's because he's a Democrat. If any Republican politician and his/her family had been involved in all the illegal overseas business deals that Joe Biden and his family have been part of, the Republican politician and family members would be spending the rest of their lives in a federal prison.
  8. Not when the factory shuts down because they can't get needed materials for the panels from China. Just like auto production in this country has slowed because auto manufacturers can't get computer chips for the vehicles.
  9. Your criticism of my statement about Kamala Harris doesn't even make sense.
  10. Wow, you are such a deep thinker. More dribble from a Russian robot who has not one thought of his own. Just spots the Party line over and over. you have been well indoctrinated, comrade Golfer.
  11. Wow, Joe looks senile in that photo. Looks a lot like the cartoon character Mr. MaGoo.😏
  12. I think you probably misread that. Poll most likely said she was the 6th most "infamous" Democrat.
  13. You should know. That pretty well describes everything you believe.
  14. Wonder when your parent will get tired of feeding your lazy ass and make you go get a real job?
  15. That's exactly how people on this thread feel about your simple minded repetitive comments.
  16. She was so popular that she dropped out of the Democrat presidential primary before the first primary election. Her poll numbers were so low that she dropped out to avoid being embarrassed by the election results.
  17. If too many people lose their savings and the economy tanks, losers like you may not receive their welfare payments from the government or the money they do receive may be worthless.
  18. Yeah, I want the market to crash so that I can lose my retirement savings just to spite Biden, right? Only you would think something that stupid. You are so caught up in stupid Democrat/Republican politics that you have become blind to real life.
  19. So says the little snowflake parasite who lives in his parents' basement and survives off the money paid to government by American taxpayers.
  20. If Democrats are able to push through their $6 trillion spending plan retirement savings in this country will be wiped out by inflation.
  21. Present day American college students are among some of the dumbest people I have encountered in my 75 years on earth.
  22. Public schools really fucked up your brain. How sad that you are so ignorant.
  23. The American people will be crying too with higher prices, increased taxes and a stagnant economy that inflation and higher interest rates will cause.
  24. It appears fears of inflation and higher interest rates are now having a major effect on the stock market.
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